LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    The devs are probably mad about all the money they're not going to be making for a while
  2. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    :lol: yes, apoc, ZAFT, LR, iG, BH, and Regs not in war anymore is a huge loss.
  3. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    I will say again here then

    Hello all warriors,

    Thank you all for the fantastic well fought war :)
    Both sides fought amazing and gave an awesome fight. I respect all of those who stuck it out with their respective clans an had a good time with it as I know we did :)

    On behalf of myself and the DR crew
    Thank you :)

     ˻͝˻͝ʹ͜ ˓͜⌯⃕˓⋟ɖıvıɴɛ яɛɢıɱɛɴT⋞˒͜⌯⃔ʹ͜˻͝˻͝. 

    hows that Schsmi? ;)
  4. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    Their was much more in that war fluffles.
  5. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    Yea guys, I just came up to then and told them to shut the **** up and they all stopped. :)
  6. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    Lol jk :lol:
  7. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    What about regs and foxes?
  8. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    Much respect to both sides for I have friends on each side
  9. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    I know Romulus :roll: I just don't don't know them all and dont want to list them since I decided not to join this osw so I don't care too much anyways. :|
  10. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    So much for all the hype ... looks like score one for the devs with the new estoc/rancor wars.
  11. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    Mutual CF?
    Lol..what a waste of time.
  12. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    Sorry Phil but you spelled Alliance wrong in Subject Title.
  13. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    I know justice, if no one was going to win in the end then why do this big war? Wasent it to prove a point? Or was it to beat each other then call truce.
  14. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    War is part of the game.
    But regardless, with all that talk ending with a mutual CF. Quite a waste of time.

    How did the war start again?
  15. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    Good war, ladies. Keep up the good work.
    Respect to all clans involved. ^_^
  16. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    This isn't the apoc/zaft war right? I'm so confuzzled and uninformed.
  17. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

  18. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    No its not but thats over as well.
  19. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire

    Zaft/Apoc war ended already with a "mutual Cf"
  20. Re: LR Allaince vs iG/BH alliance ceasefire
