LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. @ Drecepitude, don't do it bro, he's likely to slip you a rophie.
  2. From the 358 bill only 43 bill left great job at strupping me. Respect to all warriors in the war.
  3. Stripping*
  4. It's no surprise to see that iProphet has morphed HIS willingness to join the current osw into his clan wanting to join also. He brought this war to himself. The fact that he chose to join then decided to return to his home clan shows lack of consideration to his clan mates. If 46
  5. Post cut off: It's no surprise to see that iProphet has morphed HIS willingness to join the current osw into his clan wanting to join also. He brought this war to himself. The fact that he chose to join then decided to return to his home clan shows lack of consideration to his clan mates. If 46 n 2 truly wanted to join they would have from the outset of hostilities and wouldn't have "waited" until their owner decided to bring this war to himself, and by extension, to his clan. Such contrived deception won't fool his clanmates, or the KaW community but, it does show to anyone with a discerning eye, the dishonest and inexperienced leadership he offers.
  6. Willy's and medicguy's post are in my opinion the best ones recently. They cleared everything and explain why iProph was stripped and how he wasn't a completely neutral party in this war. Thank you.
  7. Dear KaW Community please lets not forget what kind of personal character traits and flaws the above statement says about this chest thumping fool, where's the LOYALTY? you were once iG and a Admin there no less and yet you joined the opponents side lol LOSER! That is just pathetic prophet, not only to join the other side by hitting foxes un provoked but then running back to your clan after a day of thumping your chest because you got bored lol more like scared cuz you knew you screwed up and where hoping it would be forgotten and no retaliation would come to you for your actions of war. Or maybe you just prefer to tap tap tap your little eb button lolololol As if that isnt enough of your blatent character flaws and lack of leadership by dragging you clan into the war you ran from, you are OBVIOUSLY sharing iG clan information that you aquired whilst at iG, true colors are shining bright and they look like a rainbow, Fly your incocent by stander flag high there prophet, maybe some of your 46 clanmates will start to see your cowardness and lack of charachter within this game and most likey in RL as well, and I would be the first to share a beer with any of the true fighters in this game, but fools like you, well lets just say "bottoms up" has a totaly different meaning to your kind, and homie dont play that!
  8. I personally cant believe ig would let someone log in, enter enemy clan, unload on an allied clan for a whole day, then run back to his own clan and wait there without tracking him for a week for the best time to make him naked, or stripping him of a significant amount of gold. The old IG would never let anyone get away with that. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    addition to previous post
    This just in
    :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek:
    In fact i was recently notified that IG did not in fact put up with that and this person was stripped of a significant amount of gold. Not only that but such said war skipper cant fight for himself and is attempting or has succeeded to bring home clan in.
    :geek: :geek: :geek: :mrgreen:
  9. And the band played on.
  10. The winner is the devs. They call him iProfit. :p
  11. ^^^^ THAT is who ALWAYS wins an osw
  12. Lol. GET OUT OF MY POCKETS DEVS. Wait ok never mind. Disregard
  13. Hey what's wrong with hot curry? Lmao! If all those pages that stood out to me.
    I see blah blah blah, waaa waaa waaa. Shut up and fight.
    Ipoop, really? After all yr rage posts, u thought you were off the hook?
    Get real bud, welcome to the fold. Hope you get a bonus, cause you gonna new to nob more.
    Rest of KAW! Peace out and enjoy the game, the exciting "new" rancor season etc.
    above all it's a game! Tap tap an have fun.
  14. Hmmmmmm. New developments, wonder if Phil has any news.....
  15. Lt ripley puts biohazard in his banner, biohazard laughs, farms, watches this excellent fighters sdp go from 11 to 3 in less than a fb, biohazard watches this noob actually self track in his news feed, examining the different times between hits, noticing 8 hour differences once a day. Biohazard laughs on a again, and wins.
  16. Down to 1 sdp in a bar and a quarter now. Bravo Lt ripley. You earn so much money off me, spend it all on upgrades, not hiring crappy allies off yr alliances banks, and haven't even got a decent amount of pots. You want my attention? You got it
  17. Update

    It appears ISS is hitting not just alpha but other targets as well.