LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Zinnnnnng !!! Guess that about sums it up .
  2. Zinnnnnnnng! Guess that pretty much shut them up 
  3. Zing!!!!!
  4. ... Is a horrible web browser.
  5. You lot took one night of one player pinning you and turned a lil 5tril strip weeks after he's disappeared completely not just from news feed of foxes, but anything to do with the war, forums included. you really think that's the best idea?

    I'm sure you all think some great conspiracy that we were plotting or some other stupidness. Fact is we ain't been doing nothing but EE, as our history shows.

    You have no proof of any of the other crap you claim, like funding ect ect, cause it ain't happened. Not even a dime. Probably give more gold to iG than anyone since I shop a lot of the same ranges as them and I don't check owners.

    nothing more than one player who is known for flaming at a moments notice and spent one night pinning foxes....

    That's why you as a whole decided that even though he's disappeared and hasn't shown his face in any aspect to do with this war, that it would be wise to half ass strip him knowing his clan has been on the fence of this osw since the start.

    But now, through your lack of intelligence, you decided to half ass strip the owner of a clan that was already on the fence of this war.

    Truly you all don't think you're doing so good you can afford to bring other clans in against you? Actually you lot are blind as blind gets, you probably think you're still winning. Haven't checked the latest newsletter.

    So try justifying or whatever you feel the need to do. Play time is over, now the real fun begins.
  6. Lol at the post of iProph being neutral. He hasn't been neutral since the moment he posted this thread and everyone knows that.
  7. Ipoop can try to act innocent, but we all know its all BS.

    You got what you wanted, wcome to the war 
  8. Lol you morons will try to play anything into your hand.

    I'm extremely excited to have gotten targeted. It's honestly the only way my clan would go into this war. I think i even thanked you guys for giving them that needed push didn't I? it's no secret I've wanted in this war since the start. I've been vocal about it. It's my clan that didn't want to support it. Again thanks for convincing them otherwise.

    And don't think I'm playing innocent. I did easily sit on foxes for a night. Never denied that. What's funny you lot aren't smart enough to figure out that foxes is one of the weakest clans around and it wasn't even a challenge so I grew bored after one lil night. That's why I disappeared from regs and this forum. I realized how much damage iG side has taken then. My services certainly weren't needed so I returned to 46 to focus on EE instead.

    Like I said use that as your means to justify why 46 is going to join or whatever other crazy dumb stuff you come up with.

    I'll go back prior to before I hit foxes and use the incoming hits 46 took from BH iG wig Wit and sicnoc because they think we funded.

    It's doesn't matter what the reason is. You showed your utter stupidity multiple times this war thus far and this was the icing on the cake.

    If you think LR/Regs and company aren't 100 times more excited by your half ass strip than your side is you're dead wrong
  9. OMG IProp, Are u new to KAW? or are you a noob.

    What would you do if i hit then farm and strip you for a period of time then stop. Do you take it as i am an bystander.

    You trying to sounds like 5T is nothing but you have been crying. God !!

    You are the worst PVP'ers i have met throughout SRO online, Lineage2 online, Warhammer Online, Star wars Return of the Republic, Guild Wars 1 and 2 and Aion online. A Total Crybaby
  10. Ka~~Boom You are burned !!!
  11. 5t is nothing lol, unless you're in iG, then you're loaded
  12. If it's nothing then why come and complain about it in forums bro.. I'm pretty sure you knew you would be stripped after your actions so you leave to home clan and bring them in a war you had no business in in the first place.
  13. Lets just make a few things clear.

    Firstly, any person or clan may choose to join this war, it is however your enemies who will decide when or if you have left the war.If you are from an outside clan and choose to declare war or start hitting any member or any clan in this war, then make no mistake you are in the war till we advise you otherwise, and you are at war with every member of our alliance. You cannot dictate that you are at war with one clan only, it's all or nothing. Running from the war will not see you being granted a cf. The agreed upon method by both sides is a cf request on an appropriate wall. Please feel free to request one if you wish to leave.

    There have been some claims made on forums about people being stripped of large amounts when they have left the war/stopped hitting. If I don't see a cf request then you are still a valid target and will be stripped, hit and harassed till you request a cf and one is granted. This is fair, it's the way this game is played and I will not make any apology for it.

    Lets remind ourselves this is a game, we are here to enjoy ourselves, make friends and perhaps make foes. But remember the way you accord yourself here reflects who you are in reality. If you're a crying sook in the game and are going to trash talk in forums, then it's safe to assume you will act a similar way in real life. Pull your socks up, get yourself together and enjoy the game. Leave the rage out of it, no one wants to hear it.

    On a personal note I will hit my foes in this game hard, I will strip and expect to be stripped, but if I met any of you in real life I would buy you a beer and laugh about the fun we had.


  14. Correction, prophet. 5tril is nothing, to somebody who uses nobs.
    To someone like me, 5tril is a crap ton of gold.
  15. I hope to meet you medic guy 
  16. Medic guy ftw! Proph you can't be hitting back that hard, since you were stripped you've been sat in forums pooping out more crap than I do the morning after a hot curry 