LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Lol. Twisting reality Angel?

    Or actually believe it to be the truth?

    *Needs a Futurama Fry pic*
  2. So you got your clan into a war Proph? Nice

  3. Also, I heard a rumor that Zaft, Apocalypse, and Res are funding us too. May wanna strip their leaders just to be safe. ;)
  4. Again, we've not accused 46 of funding.

    Stop making stuff up.
  5.  that's funny
  6. iG is funding us
  7. Oh little shorlon or whatever with his little man complex. Don't worry bud it ain't that serious. Smoke a doobie and chill. Relax and enjoy this war. Don't get stressed so often, something tells me this war is just getting started.
  8. Who says I'm not enjoying it? Been able to test a ton of stuff

    Plus, I haven't had a good argument in ages.
  9. I have received a specific reason for today's strip:

    According to the IG alliance, iprophet funded the strip on tatsugin while he was in 46n2 ( or owning it, as he has corrected me). IG alliance take this strip as 46n2's declaration of war against their alliance.

    This is the version I am getting from IG. Ill let you guys debate whether this is factual or not.
  10. Love how quickly you go to insults though
  11. Yeah. I had a random ally market hire from zaft the other day. You guys better strip them. Also, I talked to someone in zaft three days ago and said hi. Oh ****. They must be funding.

    Thank you for supporting our war effort IG 

    This is the funniest **** I've ever seen. I thought you idiots couldn't get any worse at warring, but it happened.

    "We don't actually have proof of prophet funding.... But it happened. Cause he said stuff on a forum thread that we suck and can't war..... Then we proved it" 

    Just quit now ig. Really. You guys are horrible at this. I hear the rancor wars are coming out. Maybe you should try your hand with that cause OSW ain't your thing 
  12. *Wonders why Wulf continues to post in green...*
  13. False Phil. Your intel sucks or is trying to start something that doesn't current exist.
  14. @shol

    If you could kindly direct yourself to jezza's post on page 452. "Was funding regs" I believe that's an accusation in itself.
  15. @phil. I funded 2.5 tril of that strip. And I know where the rest came from. And not a single penny came from prophet. Ig are the biggest morons i have ever witnessed 

    This makes my week. Seriously. Thank you ig for being helmut heads.
  16. LMAO!!!

    Wow iG you guys really are idiots. Class act grade A morons.

    No wonder you're getting your ass kicked TOU can't even track funds. Pathetic what you've become.

    That's the reason iG gives? Please tell me it's typical Phil bs and not legit
  17. Again you try to insinuate we said 46 was funding,

    Again, it's still false.
  18. Does OG side mind doing me a favor and please hit more?I've only gotten attacks and that's from a t5hlbc atk build and was 8 hours ago.
  19. Trade you Swan
  20. Trade hits* with you