LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Wow. Really ig? I've seen (and done) many dumb things in game. ******* with pro is not one of them. Apparently the beating you've been receiving wasn't enough so you wanted to add one of the best (and highly experienced) osw clans in kaw to the tag team that is your beat down. Genius
  2. Hmmm, photobucket fail. Page 334 for anyone who's interested
  3. Your SS only shows that he entered a separate war, not ours because we are at war with every clan on the other side.

    When every clan on the other side involved itself in his strip (as confirmed by your claim that it was justified due to his alleged "involvement" ), you pulled him into a war against all the clans wdgaf is warring
  4. Y r u playing dumb? It very clear u entered this war. U think we didn't see you funding strips too?
  5. Still no SS of him funding Regs before that ... only allegations
  6. I've still never fully understood how you can only be involved in 1/2 of a war. Since I don't remember hitting anybody in DR or DoA does that mean I'm not at war with them?

    Well hot damn
  7. Angel, unlike you, we at the OG Alliance aren't happy to hang our alliance members out to dry. You declare war on one of us, you get all of us.

    Just like we wouldn't give up Foxes when Wulf approached us for a CF, neither will we give them up to iPoop.

    Not really sure what Joe_ and the rest of the Foxes are doing that both Regs and iPoop have a hard on for them. But what ever it is, they must be doing it right.
  8. Then how is I.S.S involved in 1/2 war?
  9. They're copying you guys
  10. I didn't know iprophet was "us guys"
  11. Last I checked Regs started in only half the war.

  12. Copying us? Elaborate, I'm pretty fuckin sure that we were one of the first clans, if not the first clan in the war, and we've hit every clan u cowards called in for support
  13. See above
  14. And then you joined to war for people who weren't there when you were having to get a cf?
  15. We don't like making alliances while in war. Kinda a dick move.
  16. Shol, I'd say 50:50 is a bit generous. I'd say its more like 30:70 war:EB
  17. Don't like making alliances?! I have ss of one of yr members trying to recruit the clan, hells soul takers, to yr side!!! And that was before regs even joined!!! So wtf r u talkin about?!
  18. You didn't like or you couldn't?