LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. @phil- ive had max plunder since start of war. statless noob allies, which give me terrible BFA. but i dont care, they do their job. so i am in no way "embarassed" about low BFA, nor should anybody if that is what they planned 
  2. @ pin

    I never said anyone should be embarrassed. Please read the post. Seems lots of LR members are getting defensive about something about regs.

    Either way, this has been covered, so I am moving on.
  3. I'm not hating on Phil I'm stating the obvious.

    Yes we do have the numbers or I wouldn't make that statement.

    I've given credit when it's due on both sides. Just because it's not what you want to hear isn't my problem.

    I won't engage in circular conversations. If you truly wish to know. You can pm me.
  4. Update

    .Alpha. Is now fighting a two front war, trading lots of hits with ISS. From what I can tell though IsS has not officially alined itself with IG/BH.
  5. Xj3 you would be blown away with the amount of data that has been collected during this OSW. Suffice to say the Regs are all over the collection of data. A few individuals have put a tremendous amount of time and effort into compiling information. I would like to say thank you to them. It is appreciated. . In saying this I would also expect that IG leadership also does something similar. Don't they?
  6. I wanna here more about Wulf's . I didn't think he had a , being a dude n all. Kinda creeps me out that Phil knows this. I bet he was the one who ate that ! 
  7. Oh don't get me wrong guys. I know wulf and his squad are data collectors and number crunchers. I've always respected them for the dedication they put into all aspects of the game. I don't doubt y'all have every single strip you guys have run documented, alphabetized, ss'd, and documented again. No doubt at all in my mind.

    But the question I posed was "how do you know what the oG alliance has stripped". I'm positive that a lot of the strips pulled against y'all are not listed, documented, and alphabetized. My rationale is that all the ppl stripped on your side havent admitted to the strips that have occurred against them. Remember blue-killer and his 20th land?? I'm sure he's not the only one in this war that has lied about what he was stripped of.

    I've been involved in multiple trillions in strips that the regulator alliance doesn't account for. Im not sayin wdgaf is lying or wrong. I'm saying that wdgaf isn't completely informed of every loss taken against your side. That's all. Not trying to discredit anyone or call anyone a liar. Just saying I'm sure that all the info hasn't been passed along is all.
  8. Docomented is the censored word. Damn censors
  9. Really? Wulf's  has been around
  10. Update WArdog217 (Wit) 1.7T strip he caught it with only 105B left to take.
  11. 5tril strip done by iG. Lol. You lil rascals know I was gonna let you all have your little war. You've no idea what you've awoken
  12. UPDATE

    Strip of iProphet while he was in 46n2. I'm hearing a 5 T attempts and that he was open for a little under an hour. Can anyone give me more exact numbers?
  13. Lol he beat me to the post. How successful was it?
  14. While he was in 46? How about as the owner of 46? Lol

    iGnorangt squad just pulled a whole new clan into this osw out of sheer stupidity.

    They got 5tril. Seems it took them 2 weeks to move the gold around to get that. And it seems that 5tril will cost iG 50t. ignorance is bliss I guess
  15. Okay so iprophet is confirming 5t loss. I'm getting a number of 5000 successful steals including attack skimming.

    The war has now expanded in size.
  16. Thank you ig and family for stripping a completely neutral party.

    You guys rock!

    I mean, to think... That 5T could have injured WDGAF alliance.

    Instead, you stripped someone not involved at all in the war 

    Kudos morons 
  17. iPoop declared his involvement in this war weeks ago, and was funding Regs long before that. There's nothing new about his involvement, it's just more transparent now.
  18. Lol jezza. Prophet had not funded anything. No one from 46 had.
    He hadnt given us a penny you dumb ****.

    You just wasted all your funds on a completely neutral player.

    Did you even track a single ally from us to prophet or 46? Hell no you didn't. Because it didnt happen.

    Congrats on the biggest dumb ass move I've ever seen in the history of kaw. 
  19. If someone could, it would be nice to find in this thread where iprophet decided to join this war. SS it and please repost so the miss bellemorte can clearly see what she is deciding to block out.
