Wow. Grasping at straws much, Phillip? Whoever you have "from our alliance" that is PM'ing you needs to get with the program. Statless Alts > PM'ing Phil I had tossed this SS at a few Regs in a 3rd party app as a joke. Seriously? As much as we'd all love to be punching each others chests and bouncing around forums gangnam style... For their strength - low BFA. Made a poor matchup. If anyone insinuates that this EE matchup stat has any bearing on the OSW is likely in 5th grade, or lives under power lines. Most common reply.... Game on. This didn't change much. Go back to your villages.
I think poor philo does a great job of piecing all his info together. It's funny watching how but hurt people get over it personally I think that's wat he's going for. Haters gonna hate. I don't see anyone else doing a better job. Must be difficult with all the crying
Phil, if your profile had a view counter, you would be in the thousands just from my fat fingers trying to get to the last page of this thread
I think Philip posting about regs is ok I am sure if it was IG bfa is to low for ee war then Philip would off have 1000's off pms from regs/LR about it saying look at this IG bfa is low told u we where striping the good
I'm sorry, but Shakzaa is just a butt hurt idiot. You want facts? The devs said in a post that the Regs BFa is too low! Repeat! The DEVS SAID SO. What do you want? To see the actual equations? Please tell me you are not that thick. I guess you guys are just butthurt from Bellemorte being stripped and all. I would be too if I had to lose all my bfa to satisfy my clan leaders ego trip too. (I noticed Phil didn't gloat about that.) And you are suprised that IG is laughing at this? True or not, it is kind of funny after all of iRegs chest thumping that the devs say his clan's bfa is too low. Sure there might be a good reason for it, but lets not get carried away and hang Phil from a noose just because he talked about something most of KaW has seen already. I would respect LR alliance more if they took the time to laugh at themselves instead of getting all twitchy. I don't envy Phil. They always kill the messenger. 90% of this thread is chest thumping by the Regs and the one time it is revealed that it might all be just BS and you guys go ape on Phil. Cut him some slack FFS.
So let me get this right, it's an embarrassment to regs for having low bfa against clans the same size in EE? Regs are hitting and stripping allies some of which have terrible stats, on the other hand clans same size as regs are hitting eb hard working on that bfa. So I guess regs being in a OSW is an embarrassment, we all need to go back to being eb
@farmer No the regs bfa is not embarrassing. The way the devs worded it is. "Sorry but your bfa is three times lower than everyone else's". A little blunt, don't you think? Probably both sides had a good chuckle, I believe. And I wish everyone would remember in the post just prior to that I mentioned that NBN EE record is not that good. Funny how people pick up one and ignore the other.
WHAT?!?! Wulf's kitty died Sorry to hear that Wulf,,, wait a minute did you eat the kitty Wulf? Bad dog Bad
Either way, I apologize if my statement after the ss was misinterpreted as the regs should be embarrassed. I by no means think this way. Ill edit it when I get home on my PC. What IS embarrassing, is the way the devs worded it. That's what I meant. Z
I never said your sources were statless alts. I insinuated that a statless alt is greater than being a player that PM's you info. You PM'ed me some info I find interesting. I'm checking on that now.
Phil the gig is up. We know you're the IG mouthpiece so let's move past that question. On BFA - look at the clan to see for yourself.. Why argue the point? Always depends who opts in. I always see other very poor BFA clans fill up with guests to beef up. Doesn't make them stronger after guests go home with their mith. The opposite also holds true. On strips - We won't clog up the board with ours and I'm sure they won't make your updates. Suffice to say we still outstrip them significantly. With that I take my leave of this thread. Cheers
Sug u always here to say you "outstrip" the other side. Do you have any evidence to back up your claim or are you doing exactly what you are hating on Phil for? Alpha didn't even tell you why iss joined in. You seriously think everyone is telling you who got stripped on your side on a daily basis? Do you have iG's strip list to compare ur strip list to? Didn't think so. So basically you are just throwing out unproven info. U dont have the numbers to compare so how are you doing your comparison's? Just wondering?