You sure you didnt make it public? looks like you just did and i have seen ISS members at SicNoc, so i dont doubt some sicnoc were at ISS too. as for alpha, a cf? doubt it
What I see is BH and alliance asking more clans to help them. If ISS truly had an issue, surely it would have come to light in the last 3 months the rest of us have been at this osw. Says a lot doesn't it Cheers
smokey - you are calling Alpha eb noobs? .Alpha. eb history (LR/Regs side): Farmerz R Us eb history (IG/BH side): now...who are the eb noobs here?
Two weeks ago, on March 12th, alpha council approached SicNoc requesting a no-hit agreement. We politely declined after taking SS's of the request. As for I.S.S's involvement I'll can only say it was not because of SicNoc members being in I.S.S
ISS please stay off this thread. LR sugah-alpha knows why we r in a war with them and it has nothing to do with bh asking for help. Maybe u should ask before spewing lame propoganda. Also alpha- u dont get to say subs/funders are not in war lmao, i have never seen a "war clan" cry about hitting their subs. Plus most of your council are hiding in subs lmao so the council of your "war clan" doesnt war??? Dlight jaymoney etc. enough with the propoganda and butthurt after the constant threats you threw at us and fight back already. And LR quit talking crap about why we joined this war you obviously have no clue. If u have questions about it LR I am more than willing to discuss with you in Pm if Alpha isn't. Respect to all that are fighting
@ ISS backhanding, you should read my posts a little more carefully. They're not that long and should be easy to understand (even with the occasional grammatical error). I provided background based upon Phil's comment. Still, feel free to fist bump all you like on the forums, but try and conserve some strength as its going to be a long war.
Oh, and no one is crying an tears that you folks refused our request to leave oasis alone. The point is that you folks engaged in behavior and their will be consequences. And, yes you can wait for them as our retribution will happen on our timeline, not yours. Happy KaWing.
Oh shut up lormaster. You obviously have no clue what you talk about judging by your posts. Funny thing is alpha already requested cf from issazure even apologized for his big ass mouthiss told him piss off And what I tell you bro. Smack their subs where they are all hiding and they gonna cry about it and claim those clans housing war runners, banks, etc. arent involved(even tho they have ALPHA in their clan name.(you know who I'm talking to web u read this) Oh and alpha can't even read their own members banner. App deleted. Bye bye kitty Anyways alpha needs to quit keeping it's alliance and it's OWN menders in the dark about why they now have more clans involved hitting them. Stick your big nose in another clans business and don't cry when u end up with a bloody nose And finally LOLOLOLOL@the "alpha subs aren't war clans". Neither is alpha main u numpties. Not one single war clan in KaW considers you bunch of eb fairies a "war clan"
Mickey last time I checked you were not there when cf was negotiated between Alpha and ISS. I was for 13 exhausting hours as at the time 7DS was allied with both. It was a done deal and then the next morning I receive pm that ISS was going back on original cf even after terms from both parties were met. Get your facts straight before spewing lies. Yes ISS did say that they still felt disrespected, but based on the interactions of that day, Alpha could say the same.
I will not be posting forums further as I think this thread has derailed and turned into garbage. Happy warring. ♛⁂†7DS†⁂♛