LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Hope it Wasent just been lurking forums and I can understand everyone but
  2. And u have the cheek to question my English. You might want to try switching on a spell check.
  3. Huber! Guild hansel get back to ee!
  4. Says pinky 
  5. Mmm did someone say six pack
  6. Not gonna lie. That pic is funny. Mr T ftmfw!

    Back to retirement!

    Troll on trolls!

    ★R∑GμL∆ †oR§★₩Ð₲₳Ƒ ★
  7. Update

    Zarko_llllllllllllllllllll(foxes) Stripped I believe about 1.4T.Currently waiting for how much taken
  8. You sure it's 3.5t and not ~1.5t?
  9. @Angel

    You are right Post corrected. sorry about that.
  10. Is it just me or have the reg/LR stips have been slowing down? Lack of funds? Concentrarting on new EE?
  11. Ummm... In the last 5 days we've stripped 16.3t in allies and took 13-14t of that... But yeah.. we're broke...
  12. yeah 16.3t is chump change. didn't you know that?
  13. Still waiting to find out who that guy was...
  14. If he was actually somebody important I might have heard about him but as it seems his name is unknown just like his stature in this war another nobody not even good enough to make a ca pity....
  15. Oh, that was almost funny. Keep on trying with your jibes. One day they might make some one else other than yourself laugh.
  16. Truth be told I'd never heard of you or even your clan till this war started..........but now almost every time you open up the active topics you find some post referring to iG. Strange huh? A inconsequential clan with what appears to be an inconsequential voice.
  17. if you havent heard of 7DS you have been living under a rock  i still remember they tore their own old member a new one for being disloyal if im correct, made him drop all his buildings and forum apology and that goes waaaaay back
  18. Oh, and I should care why?
  19. I think we're suppose to act impressed.