LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Big I'm sure you have plenty of people that could teach you in your clan.
  2. I wish I had sound effects here gunner cos that one deserves a bu du du dum..........pish.
  3. Aww poor bio ur post got deleted.
  4. Miserable rimshot failure bigalj. It's bu du pish.

    Almost as miserable a failure as when your mom tried to resist bio's "talents"

  5. What about the mama joke on his wall, bigalji?
  6. No it's like when u play the drums, bu du du dum.....,.dumb dumb, but thx for replying. Your interest is appreciated, but ur so not original, do you guys know anything other than yo mamma jokes?
  7. I saw it angel but what's the point ur trying to make?
  8. Well since your ppl really enjoy making moma jokes of a deceased mom, maybe we should have a mama jokes week, no?
  9. That's a shame to hear about that.

    But if you guys wanna go on a yo momma rampage feel free to read my banner.
  10. Tickling is a distraction too...tickle and whack ..
  11. Ohhhh. Please bring the feather duster. Then after u finished tickling me u can dust off the crappy last rights yo momma joke book.
  12.  I know many other things than mama jokes bigalj.

    Like your mom. I know her pretty intimately.

    , again
  13. It's Last Rights yo mama joke book and doesn't need dusting .. Brand spanking new
  14. Wow ur funny. Not funny haha funny weird.  I can do repeats too. (Page 421)
  15. Really angel, I'm sorry I upset u enough that u post ur clan name with capitols.
  16. Thx ur so kind, I really appreciate it. 
  17. Auw someone finally realized my kindness ,, I will never forget this moment
  18. Well u do have angel for a name, it kinda gives it away!! Lol