LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Thanks for the reply Sugarbabe. I guess we will have to see what the ranking board says tomorrow to see how much real damage was done.
  2. How is documented a restricted word?

    Doc u men ted
  3. it contains the letters c and U and M in a row.
  4. Mkay 

    I'm actually surprised our amounts taken match so closely. Actual was 4.5 which is close enough to 10. Historically the gap between the two reports is ridiculous.
  5. Correction: close enough to *5
  6. Not bad. Youre still holding up though ey sugar.
  7. Keeping track of bar counts and % variance (ATA algorithm) is a tough task. Also accounting for % loss on the wall of towers (For Real: OUCH!!). So I give the people that calculate this major credit for what they do, they will never be perfect.
  8. Why are some people under the impression that being in forums takes all of the time away from warring? Troop regen is slow, so it's not like you miss anything by taking a few seconds of your time to read/reply to posts on forums.
  9. Willy, I don't like to post often but that is a fantastic picture of donuts.  Donuts 
  10. Well, that is simple my man. If you have the capacity to write words, you have zero war skills, bro.

    Nerds can't play football.
  11. You've opened my eyes willy. For that, I am forever in your debt.

  12. That being said...who's down for some calculations tonight? I'll bring the Romulan Ale!


    We'll go over some algorithms and prove that ThePhilosopher is actually Ric Ocasek from the Cars.
  13. Beam me up Scotty this war sucks...

    I was taking about the EE war I was just in. 
  14. @ willy: (in a fantastic spanish accent)
    I dont always post forums.....but when i do, I drink Romulian ale.
  15. How the hell can it be possible to read such stupidity ?!! :shock:
    So what's the rules? all black hand members must hit bellemorte only?... then, let me think(well, it seems that you're not used to do so..) yes that must be that.. all regs members on vendetta and blazin( 2names on ca!! that should be rude... :eek: )... then we got to put a whole clan on queenvasia too.... :roll:
    And for all those who are participating in this war... don't expect to be hit back guys... you're "not an important target"....
  16. who's this noob 
  17. Maybe not knowing how it applies is proof that you are a puppet because honestly, the only way you don't know how the word puppet is meant is if you have no brain, eg, like a puppet :p

    And not knowing how the simple word is used then trying to turn the tables around, you make yourself look like a fool cause you just prove the point you were trying to disprove

    Refer to my second paragraph above, it just makes you look silly
  18. Yet your following post you agree to our figure within a 10% variance. So the point of that statement is??? Oh wait, you're not into pointlessness but just your own pointless statements, got it ;)

    Yeah to bad your catch didn't save you nearly 50% of your strip!! Nice save!!! wtg!!!!
  19. Oh I can get back in forums??? Was silence!!! Got friends on both sides!!! Can't we all get along??? DRINKS ON ME IM BUYING LOL!!!