LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. 410 pages...LOL
  2. I know true is difficult watery and yes 2 weeks without your love tapes, i notice that you don't see my upgrades since my strip,  that is a pleasure to discuss with you about me, i love this subject
  3. Maybe someone could enlighten me, "more important targets"....? humility seems to be missing here.... what do you call "more important"? with bigger cs? with more pots? with bigger bfa? or maybe just an active target? lmao.... according to what i heard, hardly to find this kind of target in your clan, so go back down, pretentiousness won't make you a better warrior
  4. Gotta back sure skellys feel the love
  5. It makes you a better forum warrior
  6. You know all I hear in this forum is bunch of children thumping their chest saying my big wheel is bigger and faster than yours. Grow up people this is a game.

    IREG. Yes I am way smaller and less big allies than yourself but damn for an American veteran as yourself (which by the way Ty for your service to this great country). Your the worst of all of them.
    BTW IREG Mr.T wannabe does not fit your style so "GO SLAP YOURSELF CUPCAKE"
    Btw I am an American veteran myself

    Grow up people this war is not gonna be won by thumping our chest's in these forums but by strategizing what to next.

    Yes a lot of people have been stripped and lost a lot and more to come. Why boast and say oh I stripped this much off this person and its gonna hurt. Well no crap it's gonna hurt.

    Just fight this war as its should be fought by news feeds and quit the boasting and chest thumping. It's no wonder people are leaving this game for better games. Quitting because of this bs in the forums and chest thumpers.
  7.  Tl;dr version:

    "Hello my name is dmd8060 and I like to hear myself ramble on. I have a superiority complex but like to tell people to stop chest thumping. PAY ATTENTION TO ME!! PLEASE!!"

    *Thumps chest*
  8. Shakazza come at me ill show you chest thumping
  9. The ones with the most doughnuts.

  10. Doughnuts 
  11. Krispy kremes 
  12. 1. You already have and continue to even after you just told everyone to stop. Hypocritical much?

    2. Puppet? I'm not 100% how that applies but it sounds like a good generic insult. Ill call you bagel from now on. I hate bagels.

    3. Willy those doughnuts look freaking amazing. I'm about to have to go get some now.

    4. Shhh now bagel.
  13. Shakzaa if your making a doughnut run, for the love of god give me some.
  14. 1. Your dtw as much as the regs and lr ive tried to hit (self pin)

    2. I was talking bout pastries

    3. And I love bagels
  15. UPDATE

    Actually I am in search of a little information. I thought Sugarbabe in LR was at #80 on the ally LB yesterday but now suddenly she is off the ally LB entirely. Was there some big strip that happened? Anyone know a little about this?

  16. iProphets words here ring very true. It amazes me that so many people think that just because you are hitting the enemy, that the enemy is somehow obliged to hit you back. This is especially true for all these little hansels who keep dtw with nothing but a plunder ally. As iprophet says, you are probably of low priority. I am assuming that people are hitting the main offenders on both sides of the war, probably listed in the CA. My guess names like bellemorte or QueenVasia are prominent, while little 5mil combined barcode hansels with one 18B ally get little respect.
  17. They wanted Sugars doughnuts. They took em'.
  18. UPDATE

    Sugarbabe was stripped another 10T today on top of the 14T that was attempted less than a week ago. IG is saying that they got at least 5T of that, meaning that she fell from #76 to off of the top 200.
  19. You're observant Phil. Takes a lot to watch both sides like that 

    A few factors (aside from the strip attempts obviously) play into this.

    - The 8trill I had in gold after first attempt I replaced with lower stat allies so that (in conjunction with the 6trill taken) brought it to 120 from 80. I had also already replaced half of it.

    - The second attempt was at the same time ATA polls the data for the updates so although I've banked over half, it took it as the entire amount BFA gone (stat wise) for this update.

    I'm not going to pointlessly debate the amounts/percentages taken. I have it all documented anyway and have shared with our side. They were both large amounts and well coordinated - I just happened to catch them.

    I'm starting to think they don't like me 

    Cheers 