LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. If this game gets you to upset your doing it wrong. Relax, kick back, drink a 6 pack, spark a little something up, and have fun! When this game becomes personal your taking away from your own enjoyment. Respect to everyone on both sides been a fun one so far and Im sure that its not getting boring anytime soon.
  2. I don't know that song Jayde so the insult is lost on me if it was meant to be. If you were just being friendly then. Thank you 
  3. Great song. YT it.
  4. ^ actually is really good. Lol. Old stuff.
  5. After much thought and a lot if reading I have decided to post on this thread. Lavishdream is drama and does act like a kaw whore...if there's any disagreement feel free to elaborate. I am the only one who should have a say about minaja's words but funny I have none. Act like trash be treated like trash. As far as the regulators are concerned some if what has been said are lies. If minaja was a trader don't you think all banks in the regs clans would bee outed by now. Hmmm. I wonder. Loyalty is an issue. Sage thanks for trying to protect me but I don't need help. I have not ran from this war and you can either feel bad for me (lmao) because my man is so horrible or you can take a step back and realize...if minaja is saying stupid stuff in cc...I SAW IT. Giving someone your phone number and assuming he is single makes it ok...I think not. Minaja has put money in this isw as have I
  6. I think that lavish dream should explain her reasons behind hitting on a taken man. But that won't happen...why? Because no body knows the actual truth. Assumptions have been made. Btw I am the one who told lavish I would wreck her works. Get over it. I don't give 2 shits anymore. All men in this game flirt and talk trash to the women. If you can't handle jokes and take it serious well that's your problem. Lavish why did you get kicked from mdk........drama hmmm thoughts on that. Enough said. I am me, those on ig side if you want to hit me go ahead, I am not running I simply dgaf either way. Thanks to the regulators that I appreciate to the others f off.
  7. Wow now it's a soap opera.

    Popcorn? Anyone?

    Someone want to post those SS of Minaja's last moment in Regs CC? I thought it was pretty obvious who was unstable, but...I could be wrong.
  8. @MrsMinaja It's spelt traitor not trader.
  9. Yes someone please post what happened in the cc. I'm quite curious to see what all of this fuss is about.
  10. I can, but won't do so without permission from Regs.
  11. Take the rest of this episode to Palringo please.
  12. Wonder if this will go in best of
  13. Anyone ever looked at this and thought BS? I mean has any iG looked at this with open eyes? First off Minaja(right?) Was a regs member, fighting against iG. All of a sudden a fight breaks out and things are said against a loyal member by his "loyal" clan. Anyone ever think they did this just to get a mole in? Or is it just me?
  14. No huber.....

    Nobody even thought for one second Minaja could be a mole.

    What an incredible concept. Someone look into this immediately.
  15. I hope that's sarcasm intended .. Really do
  16. @Huber- i agree with you. He shouldnt be trusted. At least yet..its defenitely got ijerryspringer written all over it 
  17. I'm pretty sure IG has thought this through before Letting in Minaja. Considering there very strict about letting new ppl in the first place either he was never loyal to Regs or has something that shows that he has actually switched sides
