LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Just a boob I guess then. Oh well. Guess we'll see in the end
  2. Anymore strips lol?
  3. Minaja kicked?
  4. Get a real date not KAW men lol!!!
  5. Someone get a ss! This is priceless!
  6. I found people that care and aren't trailer park... Kick me.... Found a new home lol!!!
  8. Welcome to the winning side Minaja! 
  9. What frog said :D ................ Guess u lost the Only good member that isn't garbage he she ____ireg_______________
    :D bahahahahahahahaha:D
  10. Alison we need to get u a man :D lol nosey ass .........
  11. Almost 400 pages wow
  12. I find Minaja's comments to be hideous. Calling women prostitutes? Forum mods, I believe there were several bypasses there. Severe anger issues.

    He is obviously unstable. Read his posts. They are maniacal ramblings. Be careful what you wish for, anyone willing to take on that much drama and disloyalty. I hope it's worth the gold you are clearly going to use him for. Personally anyone who is that spiteful has no place in normal kaw society.
  13. Well said jayde. I'd like to address how regs work as a family if clans regarding membership. I'll speak to the minaja situation at the end.
    We decided long ago that we were not going to be a stat based family of clans. If you love to war, put the clan first, and can hit the eb's we run, you're considered for perm. Stats do not matter. If you need to grow a bit, cool. We have an academy for growth and training purposes.
    Once you have joined our clan(s), perm membership is not automatic. We work hard to keep the culture of our clans fun, light hearted, and drama free. Do we have occasional disagreements? Sure, every family does. However, we do expect our members always treat one another with respect. If a recruit does not fit in, we ask them to move on. Unfortunately, there are times that we extend an offer of permanent membership to a player that later shows themselves to not be a good fit. How many xtals they burn, nobs they buy, or gold thrown around matters not if you do not mesh well with our family.
    Quite simply, that was the case with minaja. I'll not point fingers nor get into he said/she said as that's not my intent with this post. Minaja just wasn't a good fit.
    Troll on trolls.
  14. @painmanagment

    what's that crappy clanless guild hansel?? Timmy's stuck in the well

    You got me, I've only seen it 87 times.
    Due, of course, to the fact that I'm in a sub clan...limits my view of curb stompings
  15. Ill be Alison's man  muahaha
  16. Jayde my dearest you are so correct!! Forums is not the place for maniacal ramblings, drama disloyalty or even spite, how is iProphet anyway? Are he and iReg still hanging out, torturing insects with their magnifying glasses and discussing strategies on how to deal with bed wetting?

    The same degree of maniacal ramblings could be judged for many on both sides of this war my dear readers. In fact we see now how the mods of this game are being held to account for their actions on forums, wc and other arenas of the game. This forum thread and another 2 are evidence to that.

    You see my dear reader's the "retirement" of Bellemorte is evidence of AT'A's discontent with maniacal ramblings. My dear reader's a certain Customer Service Manager of ATA, who shall remain nameless, let's call him Naz, became quite tired and disgusted with Bellemorte's maniacal rambling's whilst a mod, and she of course was "retired". Her continued degree of maniacal and at times disgusting behavior was not going to be tolerated by ATA. She was their consumer representative in this game, and her "retirement" was dealt with in quiet and seamless manner to minimize any PR fallout. She has served her punishment and now the other mods are having the whip cracked by ATA because of the naughty mod's that have come before them.

    This is a game, and we have seen much evidence thus far of people who take it all a little too seriously. Haven't we Jackson413. So please keep up the banter, keep up the spice, but let's keep it sensible on both sides.

    More to come on Minaja being kicked by Regulators, just remember my dear readers I told you this would happen how long ago??

    My sources run deep, see you all when I make my next installment.
  17. Bed wetting bahahahahahaha now that was some funny **** :D
  18. I disagree... There are only a few who do maniacal rantings (belle wasn't one of them). Sure there's  talk and 'mine is bigger than yours' type if banter constantly but actually very few go really ape.

    Has it ever occurred to the haters that although you really want to believe she was kicked (it's a cool story I know), she actually moved on so that she could be a free player as well? Kinda sucks when wc is filled with war hecklers/haters but you have to maintain decorum as an ATA mod.

    I have this on very good, deep and trusted sources which I cannot reveal 

    Cheers 