LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Good horse or bad horse burger?
  2. Good enough to eat 
  3. What could possibly wrong? 
  4. Few hours before the strip:

    Few hours after the strip. (No Nobility spent. No bars unbanked.)

    350b strip?

    Still got allies. Please come again.
  5.  also it was 4.1T attempted 1.9ishT taken  y'all's math is way off thanks though  out of 10 you finally post one 
  6. What's sad is regs is talking all this garbage and not even realizing what is happening! Ig are elite they have been doing this for years. Don't you see, they are letting you strip and strip and strip. All the while they are just picking targets and beating away. Yes, you may get some close to naked but that's what they want, they want you to strip them! And while your doing his they wait. They wait till the stripes slow down, till it looks like you are out of funds then they strike. That's when they strip back, when you have ran out of money in your banks, when you think your on top, when you think you've won! That's when you'll be stripped blind and used as potless open farms to feed the machine that just keeps grinding and grinding! It's a waiting game. Ask any clan that has fought them and they'll tell you all the same, it's in the long run that gets you. 6 maybe 7 months in when you have exhausted your banks and your members can't buy allies from them and your running low on pots and you just wanna sleep from all those nights just checking to see if your their target, that's when they hit! That's when the terror sets in and you realize, you lose!
  7. Yeah sounds like a plan 
  8. Lmao, that picture is hilarious.
  9. That Barbie picture made me feel weird and more than happy..
  10. Nice!!! The one shows up. Hey what happened to your bro hunter??? Why don't you just head back to placebo or whatever that crap was and retire like he did!
  11. The classic, let them beat you senseless till they can't move their arms, or get bored of stomping on a bloody face THEN trip them as they walk away and call it a victory.

    Seen it a hundred times.
  12. Hunter? You need to lay off the  or share with rest of us dude
  13. Oh come on bro. You know the guy. Bunch of barcodes around his name, you made him admin at "placebo". And ooz, no bro you haven't seen it a hundred times. Your in a sub and not even an admin which means your pretty much worthless. Good try though
  14. Hmm you must have the really good stuff cause I still can't figure out what your trying to say
  15. Parabellum or some such nonsense. Ring a bell? Oh well, it didn't happen in forums so it's not top of your priority list. I guess I'm just high and making **** up. Hmmm I do seem to know what I'm talking about though. Makes me wonder.........
  16. That still makes no sense to me, I have never met anyone going by the name parabellum nor been in a clan by that name but nice try
  17. And you have no idea what your talking about