LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. I have received the following statement to share.

    Since you are clarifying things on your thread in regards to strips perhaps you should add this. It took 12 hrs to clear Duncan of 8.1t, it took 10 mins to clear sugar of 6-8t. We can clear accounts faster than many people can react. We also ran 2 other strips within an hour of Sugar, bringer for 2t, wulf for 350 bil. These strips were done when most of our spies were sleeping. We don't post strips because this game is about hitting not reading about hits on forums.
  2. So they tell you to post instead. :roll:
  3. You saying that means ****
  4. I mean props for your great strip ig :(

    But seriously ,you don't post em like that cuz u don't got it like that like
  5. lol anyone else notice that the thead about mommabear and poppabears ban was deleted?
  6. We dont post on forums we just hit. Then tell other people to post on forums for us.
  7. Wrong thread and war. :shock:
  8. wow your fingers must kill after writjng this
  9. Not our fault Duncan stayed open for that long 

    Its a nit but I wasn't open only 10 minutes. I could see that far back on my feed.

    You do know that it takes a lot more actions to get 100% on a strip as opposed to 40% regardless of amount yes?

    But I must admit the claim that ig alliance can do in 9 minutes (without most of their hitters no less) what ours can do in 720 minutes makes a cool story. Doesn't get more chest thumping than that does it.

    It's like a miracle that were still up 60-70T strip wise. That must have taken 20 years 

    Cheers 
  10. Lol to 20-years
  11. I was stripped last night. I was open for hours. 104B bought. 43B taken with just over 1000inc. Lots of fails. Gotta go. Time to reset my 24B bomb on elegantly_wasted. Btw. You guys bought the same bomb again. Same name and everything. Don't you write that stuff down. Lol. Have a good one
  12. Its not the minutes only that determine how long back you can see the history. 50 hits clear the history.
  13. Just over 1000 hits as I count my spy def pots.
  14. @devilsanctum
    Yes exactly. It takes more than 50 hits to get 40% so therefore open longer than 9 minutes.
  15. I don't understand how you are relating number of hits with time. :roll:

  16. @ Sugarbabe

    Wtih all due respect, I don't think you understand what Devilsanctum is saying. Basically, don't trust the time written on the newsfeed considering that the vast majority of your incoming did not show up. It might be a glitch, but basically the programming cannot handle hundreds of hits happening in a matter of seconds and report it accurately. It is similar to have the battle log in EBs seldom reports the most recent incoming.

  17. I've seen this number twice. HOw is this number being determined? Is there some actual calculation going on, or are you just guessing? I have a gut feeling too that the strip total for regs/LR is higher, but I'm not in a position to post such a definite number.
  18. Im also curious as too how this number is being determined.
  19. Projection of what LR side has stripped minus what BH has actually stripped.
  20. Hmmm, interesting... Returning to my retirement in about an hour, so any questions, let me know.