LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Ouch. Thats a lot of gold. Probably more than I've made my entire kawreer.
  2. A friend in an iG subclan had 59.42 bil take off of him from a 7 Deadly Sins member. He was out into a few CA's. I know this from an anonymou source inside. when my frie returned to his account he had exactly 59.42 bil after 6 hours. He was in the CA for that amount of time, and did not bank or buy another ally. Not a single attack was made, with his account sittingin several CA's. All I have to say, is wow.
  3. It seems clear that the strip on sugarbabe was 6T. That Means the 8T off of SirDuncan still remains the biggest strip so far.

    Either way, it seems the strip funds raised in FarmerZ r US clan is being put to good use.
  4. Phil is right. This was the most bought in a strip... They bought 14t, and they took 6t (i've seen the SS of the gold left out). But even if you believe iG and that they took 8t... it's not the most taken in a single strip. SirDuncan was stripped 8.1t and it was cleaned out.

    iG's only about 60-70t behind us on strips... Glad to see they're finally making an effort.

    Just Say'n.

    Haters go ahead and hate... I wont be responding to any posts. Thanks.
  5. @Curtish

    lol I beat you to it. I posted the SirDuncan again. :lol: Thanks for the reminder, however.
  6. They have 60-70T 

    I would like to point out that this thread at 389 pages, is now longer than "ig the legendary myth". Thanks everyone for your help in making this a classic. :)
  8. I wouldn't use the word classic. But its quiet the read.

  9. Surprising considering your book has no pictures, and there wasn't a dragon in here anywhere. complete waste of my time reading!

    :lol: :lol:
  10. You could put all the relevant posts in 40 pages, at least 500 posts have ended with slap yourself or some version of that.
  11. Did you hear miss melon is celebrating her 5th year playing today?
  12. Nope but I did hear a certain member from BH will cow tip for admin.
  13. I was strip last night, they took 6 T off this account.
  14.  I think he means 6


    Ig "family" clans prefer growing their mains rather than fighting with their clan with them 
  16. Whoops


    Please work 