LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. two poibt bibe ibches
  2. Respect is expected not earned what are you 10, wait wait i got it, do unto others as I would be treated or some ****, oh I got it I'm playing a war game and since I think I'm a bad ass I should and will be known and respected by all, give me my respect! Seriously that makes me respect you even less, tbh actually now I could really care less about your background, you are small, you are not even a issue in this war just a statless loud mouth  hey all sides need one
  3. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF Kingdoms at War

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    I'm tellin'.
  4. Willy, you should know you have my utmost respect for reasons that go well beyond forums. :|

    And your confession about your loss is also admirable. I'm not the least bit surprised you've admitted to being stripped.
  5. My thumbs, measured at the very tip that presses my screen, measures approximately 1 7/8 of an inch in circumference. At the second digit it measures 2 6/8 inches in circumference.
  6. Circomference. Devs should really change that.
  7. We at foxes gave willy a holiday so that he could recover. Unfortubatly the spellibg got messed up.
    The sigb writee thought willy was somethibg else.
  8. What you talking bout fool?
  9. The spellibg, you clownshoe.

    Did you not see that the sigb writee thought I was somethibg else?

  10. How can I even respond to such jibba jabba  lol
  11. Best 3 pages in this whole ******* thread!!!!
  12. UPDATE

    SugarBabe (#1 in LR) was stripped 14T of which 8T was taken. There is also a claim that IG only got 6T. Either way, it seems to be the biggest strip from either side so far.
  13. Wow thats got to hurt :/
  14. @Phil Guess you missed that strip by a few pages lol