Somebody needs to teach the LR-Reg squad a little bit about how to use propaganda. :lol: Raging out and trying to discredit a player who is a pretty well known fighter/scammer is making you look like idiots.
viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1490 iG don't form alliances to win wars they form them through friendships. They have been around since when KaW was its most simple yet beautiful. I wasn't even around at that time but just by reading this thread I can see that. It doesn't matter how much gold you have or how much you strip, relentless is not that. Stop throwing the iG name around stop disrespecting it because the regulator clan and all the WDGAF alliance have not achieved what they have have not made history so be it in a game like they have. Foxes remain classy even if arrogant they are still around through resilience a bond of friendship unbreakable no amount of strips can take that away. All these classless posts are tiring and saddening because Gold doesn't win OSWs standing the test does and it doesn't matter how big you think you are iG and the Foxes will always be around one way or another LR and BH is another story of its own.
tbh with everyone I took a nap, turned my game off bc with 100 bil out I was getting raged on ass/scts/stls from Mickey/frog/willy pls lets try to pin the last one talking in forums bc we have nothing better to do(no tgts) Mickey with ass then pinned him, frog with the few ass and so I pinned him, and willy which I didn't even care enough to hit back (cause he a fox) yup 3on1 and yet y'all didnt take me to hb spies.....anyways So figured ok I will rest I did EE a few hrs ago and was getting hungry.. Ya so nap then some food, come back my Pm's are blown up I still have 100 bil out and even less news feed than when I left yup that's why I'm not scared to call you out, I'm not shaking in my boots from iG, the name is dead it's worthless and it's not going to last, it's old dusty in ya grandpas closet, statless alts pls grow some balls and post with a main
As far as a game goes i have the upmost respect for ig bh and friends, They have been around a very long time and i believe they deserve a little more respect than what is currently being put on the table. That aside ive been in many osw's and found all to be fun and helpful in weeding out members who just dont cut it. I cant see this war lasting forever but you can count on 1 fact, no side in this war will back out theres to much at steak for everyone involved. Big respect to all fighters Forum warriors/Statless alts get a life grow a little and maybe u guys can find your own war to have fun in. PLAYER
Ava2, on page 369 you told me I was an idiot because you were dropping attack pots throughout your last strip. However, here is a pro tip for you. Don't drop so many pots for us that you can't get back to mp. While we appreciate your opens, we would hate to deprive you of mp. (Turns sarcasm off)