LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Z boy...nobody cares about your story moron. Troll off on your other thread you created that everybody ignored.
  2. Lol its how this war your fighting started.
  3. Slap yourself Junior. We know how it started.
  4. Read it instead of being an ass 
  5. Naw. I'd rather leave some gold out and take a nap.
  6. Half the time I have no idea what folks are talking about on this thread. The other half pf the time seems to be the same stuff stated 100x previously. No one on the other side is going to have an epiphany and say "I was wrong."

    So chat about new stuff. For instance, the new EB clan on the BH/iG side. Interesting as it seems to be a switch from their no EB policy. Obviously designed to raise strip $ or replenishment of burned pots.

    Anyway, good night as I'm going to bed. 

     The last statement may or may not be true.
  7. iG has an EB clan? :shock:
  8.  read back you will see it busting out haunts under 1hr dudes mithed up popin xstals more than I do come on puppy dog really I let you sleep your night only minimal inc  come on buddy arff arff me again or max can say I bought this account  kinda funny really  the material that iG/BH is your doing ebs/EE/buying accounts, now they doing ebs/EE/and buying of accounts in question hell it's not that hard to figure out who buys or sells an account 
  9. Now pls pin me I want to take a nap 
  10. SILENCE, I am about to speak.

    I am king of the Rags – at my side I have iRage and iPoop. Now wave with my hand iRage, you filthy little monkey.

    Now I will tell you a really really secret secret. Its about the garbage alliance. They are really garbage! You should listen to our jokes about them. HAHA, I tell them another time.

    I have been thinking in my head and talked with my puppies iRage and iPoop and I have decided this. After my garbage alliance have been fighting the fossa and I have had my party with the skeletons and my servants. Then I plan to kick some of those garbage out.. HAHA .. its a secret.

    I have decided that Least Right can stay for now, even thou I hate that stupid Bellyfart. iRage and iPoop want to kick them out right away after the fossa war. But I make plan in my head. Bellyfart will be angy and I wait until she say something bad and THEN... I kick them out..... I thought of this all by myself.

    Defenders of Asgard I will invite to merge with the Rags. They cant exist without us, so I will increase the number of puppies. Dance for me! Yes yes, you can have your name for now.

    7DS and Taka will stay. They are good at doing my dirty work. They will be my doing my wars for me.

    Alpha, we all hate them. I dont know why they are here. iRage dont remove them from ally list yet. We have to wait until after the war. I allways have to tell iRage – he doesnt have the clever brain I have.

    Murder Death Kill, Divine Regement and Hopeful Mistfits. Can someone tell me who they are... iRage, run along you filthy little monkey. Make up a story for me that I like!

    iPoop, kiss my feet again. No, don't lick them. You are disgusting. Go away!

    .. and all stay awake, cause you need to be ready to listen to me when i speak. Now I need to go and do important things, I need to soft talk a leader in the garbage alliance.
  11. Worst troll ever?

    Ohya, and tl;dr
  12. @ iReg

    I think you mistook me. I never thought Regulators refused to help LR. I did in the original history write "LR needed help and Regulators provided it" which LR objected to saying they never asked Regs for help.

    This of course confused my little mind because why would the Regs join a war they are not wanted in. However Wulf is now saying that LR did ask Regs for help. No biggie, just glad that issue was finally cleared up.
  13. Nevermind,  this might be the worst troll ever. Oh but I forgot, he prefers to be called a "Reporter"
  14. Julien please stop spamming this thread.
  15. Unbelievable the amount of horse crap in this thread. He said, she said, stolen accounts, Girl friend/Boyfriend issues, bought accounts, spy's, moles. Even my posts for that matter. Both sides are dug in. Outcome is pretty much inevitable that LR/Regs side will come out on top. But this will not happen for a while. As you all can read from some of the posts we are dealing with irrational people. IG side are like the insect that has been chopped in half. They are still wiggling around but just don't know they are dead yet. To all the stat less alts posting here. Blah Blah Blah. Grow a freakin spine. If you have something to say, say it. Or just shut the heck up crawl under your respective rock and die already.
  16. Post with your mains. What are you worried about. Someone taking your fake gold?
  17. In saying the above. I would also like to add that on the IG/BH side their are some players who are really waring. They are active and hitting regular. You know who you are. Hats off to you. But the 90% of dead wood that you guys/gals are carrying must be weighing on you
  18. LR did not ask for help, we offered twice. 1st time they said they got it and the 2nd time they accepted. And our reason to help was mostly someone who supported us was being ganged upon and bullied. I believe thats also how it reads here:

    I mentioned that one of the instigators rage reset but yes, forgot about Dingo. Never really knew him well and I still am unclear as to why he reset. Think it had more to do with personal issues than the war but who knows.
    here is the snippet where I mentioned it.
    Now stop saying there are glaring flaws in what I typed insanely fast while drinking. It was a good brand of bourbon and quite tastey. I will not have you insulting my selection by implying that it was responsible for faulty posts.
  19. Freeflyjunki:

    "I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be."

    Ken Venturi