LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Question to blaze and joe. Would you take pro 1 v 1, acc for acc? All I see is you talking **** now you have a clan on him.
  2. Dante, didn't u read my post few pages back reminding proph about that 1v1 he still owes me? You seem way more brainwashed than I thought
  3. I thought Dante is proph?????????????????
  4. Let's recap:

    Proph: foxes are crap, I just pinned 6 of them

    Me: lol

    Proph: joe_ is crap I just pinned him too

    Dante: Foxes and bh now pinning proph bc he unloaded multiple accounts on your alliance so why not 1v1?

    Me: lolwut?
  5. I am prophet  feel my wrath,

    Yes blaze. What I was saying, insinuates you are only just now mentioning it since yes bought at least one clan on himself.

    Need me to type slower?

    Where's ole saggy (deep) these days? Miss her opens, just like your late night bil per unloads back in the day 
  6. Actually joe,

    If you can't take a question for what it is,
    I don't know why you insist on talking. At which point did I correlate my question to the current situation ?

    EDIT BY KAW: photo removed as it is considered offensive.
  7. Would a kind moderator please review the filter bypass on good Mr, Dante's post and grace him with a forum ban?
  8. Yawn, run out of material?
  9. I never read where Dante claimed Proph was pinned. Looks like some are trying to twist words around in order to make themselves feel better. Keep it up, kids, you may make mommy proud yet!
  10. Beyond that. If its outside the current situation or not, I don't trust proph to keep his word in a 1v1, otherwise, yes. I would.
  11. Btw, I've seen multiple accs not be forum banned for bypasses, rather their posts are deleted. So I honestly emplore a mod who seems it nessecary to follow the usual trend.

    If not, good on you for protecting the community.
  12. Proph been pinning himself. Every time I try to hit, always dtw...attacks come in small clusters noting hitting from pin. Mostly alts hitting when inc comes.

    Dante doesn't have to say proph is dtw. Proph does that plenty well on his own.
  13. In previous arguments with myself you claimed to have many, many alts. From my personal experience with pro, I know he would go acc for acc, so really you have nothing to worry about with so many accs.
  14. Either/or on Dante's post. I've also seen mods completely ignore blatant bypasses on forums because it was good pr for their war effort, but it is what it is. 
  15. Thank you for your attention, MIcKeYKnOcKS. That pointless barrage of spy attacks, though mostly successful (save two) tickled. Go play with the big boys before you bite off more than you can chew, sweetcheeks.
  16. No no Dante. All I need u to do is make sense and stop pretending like u super smart cos u apparently not.. U physically can't know how many times I mentioned this 1v1 to proph in pm so wth are u yapping about? Lol

    But Proph don't want any 1v1 obviously, he's trying to provoke foxes to hit his clan. Cos thats how it always works for him - he talks and clan fights lol Been trying for weeks by talking **** by him self here in forums lol I'm waiting for 'me and my clan will fight u back to defend my clan's honor' or some **** like that to pop up in here sometime soon after foxes bother to pay him ANY attention back lol
  17. I have what accounts I have. You're mincing too finely as usual and hunting for something to hang your hat on, metalDante

    Bottom line, I don't trust him to stick to his word. He's proven himself a liar, so again. If I felt I could trust him to keep it 1v1 and account for account, then yes, but he can't, and I don't trust him to hold up his end.
  18. Blaze,

    If I "can't know" something, why would you call me out on it? Seems like a desperate grab for some form of rebuttal.


    Ok cool. Bypasses have been ignored in the past maybe (according to you), but who do we have currently as mods on our side?


    I'm not in a situation to be "protected" buy "corrupt" mods.
  19. Guys we need to be friends and bake a cake and do some ballet dancing.  Stop being rude and get along what would ur mother say? 