LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Oh please! Here is recently sold one: on -paladin- wall. And this acct that u mouthing everyone with, did u grow it ur self? Cos if u did, 60k wins for bfa t5 bc is pretty nubish and embarrassing - here, just like u used to point at battle sts

    I have no idea what u talking about when u saying I confirmed I sold. Why all the talk? Can u just report and start sleeping better? Lol
  2. Lessyackingmoreattacking. Yep that's the one TROLL bought off a regulator leader after acct sells where made against ToU
  3. Oh I stand corrected. 'twas a different acct troll bought I guess. So that means regs have sold more than 1 acct after was made "illegal" yet here you guys are complaining that someone else did it
  4. Bahahahahahahahaa. So you admit you lied about selling your account Blazey?

    Mickey try using adult words.
  5. Proph: so you started your "main" all by your lonesome and nob it all the way up now?
  6. Adult words funny how easy you are to shut up proph. You sure have a whole lot to say when you are here talking to yourself. Not so much when someone comes and calls you on all the bull you spew before someone gets here to stop you
  7. iProphet has been a huge hansel most of your kawreer. You buy a new build? Nah...not enough wins for that...hmmm...child please alot smaller than it was change antics like you usually do to avoid getting stripped?

    That's your MO, right? Hide away and swap names between accounts to save your hind-parts?

    Lie, cheat, and steal everything you can at the expense of others?

    I'm still wondering where you're a professor, because your actions here could have your tenure revoked.

    Honor. Pfft. You have none. You're a nob abusing hack who wants to be seen. That's all you are.
  8. Where did u get 'lied about selling acct' part from, proph? I haven't confirmed or denied anything concerning my or not my accts. I only mentioned u accusing me every year of new ToU violations. Which is pretty amusing btw lolol no need to twist my words, it does make u look helpless
  9. Blaze...if I had a nickel for every time you threaten somebody with ToU violations.....I'd have a lot of nickels.

    Let's get back to war! Stop checkin the market value of your alts. Stop logging in with other accounts to look like you have a cheerleader section or your Proph bash.

    Just fight. Strip. Be somebody. Right now I see you best. I remember when you were a leader in BH before they became a joke. Saddens me to see the player you are now. But least you know the latest ToU updates and whatnot.
  10. Blazey I have pm's with your old account saying try bought it off you. So someone is lying.

    Joe sorry ya don't understand guild hansles and you sound a little upset that they are owning your much bigger build.

    You sound like the president of my stalker club lol.

    You're nothing more than a broke ass chief barely making a mediocre living. Trust me I lose no sleep over how much nob and cash I spend on kaw. Sounds like you do.

    Btw prophet hasn't been a hansel in nearly two years . But I do name change accounts a lot to take focus off others and maintain my banks. So iProphet has been about 20 different accounts to date.

    Another neat factoid. I have more than 10x the funds all of fixes has and I've stripped at least 10x more than foxes have their whole kaweer.

    So blah blah blah. My name is joe and I'm a rager cause I get my ass owned at an online game.

    Btw how's scarlet?
  11. Ireg umadbro?! LMFAO
    Right now and always, u gonna see exactly what I want u to see
  12. Oh wait Joe, you think this is my main? Lol or are you referring to my actually main that I did in fact buy well over a year ago for 5k and invested twice that into since?

    Since when did it matter if one grew their account bought it or nobbed it? You act as if I can't play kaw cause I'm a nob abuser lol.

    Gor said that about Red too. See where that got him.

    See you fooles on the battlefield.
  13. Reg: for someone who's espoused more word vomit on this thread than Britney Spears after a mountain of ecstasy and a vast moat of alcohol during an early 2000's rave, you have no room to talk.

    You lot talk crap on Blazey plenty and give Foxes more press than the Kardashians. Heed your own words.
  14. Proph: you've still missed the point and lost the script. That much is clear.
  15. Foxes haven't been seen in weeks and I start tapping that ass and look at them. Must have hit a nerve. It's only just begun.
  16. Good Arguement
  17. No, proph. Foxes have refrained from posting this thread.

    I've been busy irl and admittedly lurking.

    You're doing a marvelous job of stroking yourself. Keep it up, Mr. President. You gonna have a John Kerry photoshoot whilst wind-surfing too?
  18. proph, by talking to himself for weeks, finally made joe attend forumsand that's only the beginningmore pages of prophet monologues to come

    Pac man, I'm lost..who's mascot are u?
  19. You still don't address the actual arguments of you being a liar and one who uses ppl for his own gain, proph.

    You talk smack, then get called on your bs and try to deflect the actual argument on to someone else lol.

    It's really pretty comical when you look at face value.
  20. Ummm..Aha!.A mascot for both of u We need to bake a cake and all get along...