LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Thanks Mickey, you saved me from having to think of a response for your irrelevant ass.
  2. when few of their own members say 'I'm tired of regs/lr bs and propaganda, and leave' u think they'd stop but noooo - they throw more out there just to cover up some pretty interesting facts lol

    Anyways...Wulf u funny uGreen doesn't look good with ur eyes anymore
  3. Who are you blazin?
  4. I mean today who are you? Blazey or someone else that bought or is playing your account? Just wondering so we know who to address you as.
  5. Yeah. I got got. I admitted as much. I also didn't know I was at war.

    I'm actually kinda disappointed this go. You lot haven't even tried yet.

    Proph is dead wrong on his numbers. It was 796b when war started, but reset bombs got me closer to 550 now.
  6. Are u implying that someone else playing my accts? Bahahahahaha those accusations are sssssso last year proph c'mon
  7. Blazin r u troublemaker?
  8. Wait. U didn't accuse me of sharing, u actually accused me of botting last year if I remember correctly LMFAO please do report again
  9. 

    I'm comings for you joe!!

    Yup. I apologised to you in pm, thinking you were a decent guy. Thing is.. You got to full of yourself. The very next week I organised your strip and subsequent strips of you clan members. I still find it cool how you told me you could "lose your council spot" for posting that cf thread. Had you done it and lost your spot, I might have felt sorry. But where are you today? Still sitting on council. Your lies almost out weigh your ego. Now if your such a proficient warrior, hit me 
  10. @ Mickey ....iJerrySpringer*
  11. Metal: targets are targets. Mine are specific, and I hit them as such. I'm not driving the bus in this war.

    That said, you know me better than to sling bs on forums mate. Hope all is well with you in life, because that's what's important above all.
  12. Exactly. So stop letting your members post about not receiving inc because they seem to have differing opinions from you and your council.

    May need to brief them on where they stand on this war.

    Oh... Btw. I'm calling out foxes. I don't see why you have to xj3 and the other bh nobodies to hit me. If your offended? Foxes certainly aren't showing it.

     NO CF FOR FOXES 
    ★ R ∑ G μ L ∆ † o R ∑ M P I R ∑ ★
  13. As for your comments, DanteStorm, it was you who ran your mouth about me being a punk on forums after your apology. Not me.

    You decided that debasing and talking down on me in general was the way to go. That led to the ss of your apology, not anything more.

    My head is squarely on my shoulders and has been for some time.

    I call it like I see it, pal, and you've come up short again.
  14. Proph are u mad that I refused to share my acct with u when u asked or that I didn't sell/trade blazey to u? Why are u and belle are always so mad? Are u just mad at life, maybe the whole world? I pity u..

    Btw, remember u called me out on 1v1 a year ago and I accepted? How many times I reminded u and but u always kinda skipped? I'm reminding u again

    Forums are fun indeed but once I see proph or that green wall of propaganda I understand that I am simply allergic to y'all drama lol
  15. Joe, you've also pmd me many times since about how you respect both me and regs. Despite all the trash talk I have refrained from posting ss. So let the facts lay down my friend.

    Good luck.

     NO CF FOR FOXES 
    ★ R ∑ G μ L ∆ † o R ∑ M P I R ∑ ★
  16. So you are Blazey today?

    An you just admitted to selling your account. Thanks!

    You always talk tough as a spy but as a hitter you coward in corners then massively tower up and illegally sell your account.

    Take a swing Blazey. I'll be waiting
  17. Mickey is a joke. He finally gets out of his several month forum ban and goes right back to his ways of being father of year 2013. Shows corrective action doesn't work with stupid people. Wouldn't be surprise if another ban comes soon
  18. Awe proph u mad cuz I won't follow you back?

    And why all the illegal acct sells talk. Who sold TROLL an acct illegally as you guys keep saying?? While he was still moderator??? Hmmmmmm. So cmon. Don't be the pot calling the kettle black
  19. That was prior to it being illegal you nitWiT
  20. No it wasn't you nitwit. Troll got his main banned 2 weeks before they changed TOU. Actually him and tbj's banning and subsequent threats of lawsuits added with apple complaints led up to the change in ToU. Then troll didn't come back until near 2 months after TOU change. And bought and acct "illegally" from who???? So again quit name calling for something you guys do too