_Bob_ appreciate post with main or at least not a stat less alt. No CF offer from me. Do I find it frustrating continuing to hit the dead horse with a stick. Sure.... Will I continue to hit BH/IG Alliance You bet your *** I will..
So many juicy targets. So little time. Listed targets get updated regular so they take priority. Sorry to rain on your parade but you just aren't that important.
Now this was typed up a few days ago and I wasn't going to post it as even I have lost interested in this thread. It's full of spineless alts and shows just how much of chumps people in here have become. Scared of your mains being hit for posting your own opinion on an online game? What a hero you are. Now the first part is referencing what Phil(another alt too scared to post his thoughts with his actually account he wars with) said about QueenV and how fast we was to suckle on iGs teet. The rest is self explanatory. How quickly doctor Phil is to apologize and correct himself as iG tells him he posted something wrong yet he'll continually throw false accusation about my involvement in this osw after I state the facts of it. Yeah you're not biased at all. iG is the biggest propaganda machine in this game. I was a member there and know first hand, as I'm sure other former members will attest to too. First they claim publicly in this very forum that hitting a potless farm pays better than hitting an eb. Then Tara questions why people were only pinning her spies and not attacking her as a ps with gold out while they were stripping Wulf. That being said let me explain why this war is still going on. Since the start of this war, Foxes has claimed that they joined in support of allies of allies of iG. Nothing they have ever said has had anything to do with Foxes and iG having an alliance or having a possible future alliance. The latest story as of this week, straight from iG council, is that iG and Foxes have been in alliance talks for quite some time. Let's dissect this new statement from iG council. 1) WAR - NBN - TFK - Foxes. Which clan doesn't belong? iG has powerhouse alliance, what in the world could Foxes have to offer iG? They are broke, busted, and disgusted, can't be trusted. 2) Why is this just now brought up? 3) Why is it that only iG council and Foxes council are the ones who are aware of this with no actual witness to prove this statement correct? 3) Why after years of being enemies the sudden change in heart. 4) Where was iG just a couple weeks before this osw started when Foxes we getting pounded by Regs? They didn't seem to care then, no fund given, not people sent to support, not even an attempt to help CF talks. Not that any of this really matters. Because this is just a silly little game where we are all bulletproof and can say and act however our little hearts desire. Several pages ago I publicly state that when this osw ends that 46 will be coming for Foxes. I know if I hit them now it would be spun by the never propaganda machines at iG as 46 jumping into this osw, even though it has nothing to do with it. Yet I said it and not one move has be made on me to prevent it or to hit 46 by Foxes or iG. Read all the crap in this thread and make of it what you will but hear this part and hear it good. When this osw is, 46 will be all over Foxes with no clear terms of CF, as that's not what is wanted by 46. We'll see then how true iG really is in their claims. I'm sure they will rush right in to save Foxes. I'm sure of it.
@ iprophet Well that was a whole lot of insult throwing. Yes it is easy to believe you are just a casual outsider. How about instead of egging and taunting you and your clan actually try taking the first step and hitting someone in IG? As for where I am personally warring, go look at my zaft/apoc thread. All you need to know is there.
Concerning the entrance of SicNoc into this war: 1) drunken is not owner of SicNoc, he is one of our leaders. Gz, fam, dd and myself are the founders of SicNoc. Your intell is lacking. 2) A lr tagged account farmed into us (after you had been warned that further issues with that account would mean war--just because we are no longer CRD doesnt mean those past warnings dont apply), 3) alpha and mdk members farmed a perm member 4) And then Pinky called us out. in forums. We were happy to oblige.
he called you out for making someone apologise in forums for calling someone a guy on the interwebz :mrgreen: sic noc loked silly for this thread being made, pinky done what pinky does. sic noc is so full of fail
Moonpie, that apology was not a request on our part. Great spelling btw, makes you look even more silly when trolling.
yes it was and was admitted my murkon the thread and walls you derp stick. and if spelling is all the ammo you have then you should just leave now my son