LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Memorable posts werent they. On a different thread months ago. Seems my little 4 word posts stuck with ya didn't they?you don't have to say a mouthful to say alot
  2. Sorry if you didn't like it. But the idea that iG are being meat shields in their own war is just too stupid to ignore.
  3. Tfk, war, nbn, outlawz, voodoo, sic noc, and foxes are the meatshields, iG just can't handle a fair fight, I'm wondering when some of those clans will finally open their eyes, and realise that their clan is losing trillions and also members, for fighting for a clan who doesn't give two shits about them, just look at the strip statistics, strip-wise, we are slaughtering their alliance, they pull off like one or two big strips a week, but were pulling off big strips daily. Our alliance is strong, and very well co-ordinated, black hand are useless, NBN, and WAR, from what I've seen are tough clans, iG has lost it in recent times, foxes are recovering from their previous slaughtering, voodoo is inactive, outlawz I don't know about, tfk are the iG official meatshields, and sic noc is hitting our sub clan, barely even scratching them, but whenever I hit them, they're never dtw, so I'm assuming most of sic noc isn't even hitting lol
  4. When I say, "whenever I hit them, they're never dtw" that is aimed at sic noc
  5. Lets not forget the cause of this war, blazey's bank in iG lol
  6. I must agree I tried hitting an iG the other day and it said "ERROR- Must strip WAR first" 
  7. Alliances don't have to fight they choose to TFK, WAR NBN joined as soon as Regs joined. quit this talk of meatshield this meatshield that you wouldn't know what iGs stance is unless you where iG yourself.
  8. I think lr will win and it will go for a very long time also really good read.
  9. ****UPDATE**** Philosopher is an idiot :lol: :lol:

    In all seriousness, Gadrack_of_Cricklade is as naked as the day he was born. 2.7 trill strip on him last night was a 100% success. I'm sure the KAW community is eagerly wagering on who many days it will take for him to regain MP ;)

    I would like to personally congratulate WAR and TFK for their resilience in this war. Surely the 60 trillion you have lost between your two clan families is hard to swallow. Especially considering the reason for this whole war has ran away and sold her overly tanned face somewhere in harlot town.

    WAR and TFK have earned my respect for their willingness to continue the fight while suffering crippling strips daily. Those of you left in WAR with any allies to speak of in the top 10 might want to have a clan meeting and decide if you getting naked is worth it for the foxes family and for IG's failure to accept that they are a second tier war clan at best and can't ever fight on an even playing field.

    From speaking to the LR side it seems they would be perfectly happy letting LR and BH go 1 v 1 and Regs and Foxes go 1 v 1. If IG is refusing this agreement it must mean one of two things....either they know Foxes and BH will get wiped off the map in KAW...or they are hell bent on resurrecting their tarnished osw rep that has collapsed under poor leadership over the last year.

    Neither reason is enough to warrant losing 120T in allies over. However, the old guard of KAW such as WAR and TFK stand behind their alliance regardless of the foolhardiness of that stance or the damage caused to their clans because of this stance.

    Make no mistake about it KAW....No alliance has ever done this much damage to IG and its friends. This has been confirmed by certain elements of IG leadership. Just look at WAR's top 10 members. Their top 10 has lost a combined 30T in allies alone. They have dropped from 8 on the LB to 26.

    TFK is vastly naked other than a few at the top. -WIT- is mostly naked or at mp, and -WIG- is as insignificant as Outlawz and Foxes.

    As an outside observer from a clan that has warred IG family in one of the biggest OSW in KAW i can attest that they are beaten, bloodied, and losing morale. Of course their "sheeple" will jump on forums about how great they are doing..(all will have MP reset bombs) :lol: :lol:, but take a look for yourselves KAW. My sources at the LR alliance say they haven't even dented their banks yet. Their entire strip catalog has come from front line strippers and eb earnings.

    Stay tuned...This is one heck of a war to watch from the outside. Too bad I'm detained in another war ATM :lol: :lol:
  10. Hmmm when LR and Regs are doing so great why most of their member are naked or with only a few allies left too? Everyone can see it if you take a look on their members. Ahh sry i forget they don't use their banks yet...only LR's top 5 has some more allies same count for Regs...but propaganda is great if you know how to use it right.
  11. As osw progress, almost everyone ends up naked. Ya_judgment_fi won two osw while being mostly naked.
  12. Sexy :p naked yafis :p

    Very impressive

  13. I can't understand for the life of me how and why this is an unfair fight. Was is it fair when Regs and company jumped on foxes(with all their subs). LR's side seems very hypocritical to me.
  14. Not everyone is Yafi and can do what Yafi did. I think clans shouldn't compare themselves with Yafi until they prove themselves.

    Just being allyless and potless doesn't make you Yafi.
  15. Let's not forget this is not regs first time to take on odds that everyone said were unbeatable. First bh war include half the lb clans all on regs. After what?..5 6 7 months? I don't even remember, it ended with black hand pretty much all naked and Reg's climbed up to a top 20 lb clan.

    Same thing happen with Apoc, minus most of them getting naked. But huge strips were pulled daily and regs kept climbing up LB.

    Hate their tactics, don't understand their tactics, whatever the case may be. They have proven they are not to played with.

    As for the foxes part....I'll get to that in a little bit
  16. @phil i wonder what Regs will do if all almost everyone is naked and the other side don't give up to fight. Will they stop to hit their hot loved eb's and start to hit back or try to bore their opponent to death. Even if its a so called new strategy where is the fun to pin your enemy, keep them pinned and so on? but if thats the new way to entertain you then have fun and enjoy it... I only see that not much is left from the real entertaining war game then...
  17. Doing 1 hour haunts is stupid though when there not hitting there sleeping sort of gives away activity. Unless you planned for that?
  18. Good job showing regs how to osw during that first OSW Prophet