My post requires no corrections - what I said was accurate and gave credit where it was due for the half day I've been in Letalis.
Did someone from sic say something about taking a month? What are any of you doing in this osw and thread besides protecting the account of the runner that brought this all on. Yes blazey that means you
Hate monger I was bh long before this war and still am. I would've been embarrassed if I tore down my build during the Los war then had the audacity to say that's proof I won. But that's how you play...good for you
Caligula if you consider tearing down a build to hide a wonder there is 320 pages of lr claiming victories
He converted something like 2 buildings. He can explain it to you if you like. However I suspect you're not really interested in the mechanics.
Like 2 buildings? He was 7 mil comb stats now he's 2 mil...he was ranked 12th in clan now he's 65th...if love to see where that is like 2 buildings...guess I'm the one who doesn't know the mechanics
Either way I'm not much of a forum poster...glad lr embarrassed themselves enough on their own so I'm out
Not much of a fighter either, although your name is listed as posting 3 times last page, we'll all buy into the i'm not much of a forum poster
Old school BH chopper. Much respect bro. You are one of the only ones i respect at that half assed clan that call themselves Black Hand these days. Times have changed though and even you can admit that BH needs to rest in peace. It aint the same and it never will be.
No one at this bh intended to disrespect old bh. I have alot of respect for the founders of bh . I never disrespected them they disrespected me