Hold on a sec, max, every time I try to hit you, you are dtw, and we never have reports of inc from you, not once have I seen an inc report from you, shut up you hypocrite and start hitting lol
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call the ambulance I'm LOLing so hard I can't breathe EPIC FAIL!
Btw 34 pure spy in the LR and subclan alone so unless that accounts to most there should be over 100 in the LR/Regs side. Pure spy is simply a war build and not a cowardly build not everyone has 24 hours in the day to KaW so they have to make use of stripping when they can after all whats the point in gaining something you can lose too easily. Its a game cowardice is from Real life not an app on the phone.
Lol this thread is full of giggles. And lot of people not involved in the war. Surprised iG and WAR not taking an active stance in forums. They were pretty vocal during our war. Especially WAR. Wonder when their forum policy changed.
Wow. Taken out of context by a self-proclaimed iPhone game "prophet". On the face of it, you got me but you've no idea.
Z, you still yapping boy? Go back to class. Tara, leave some gold out. I'll help you lot with your tracking. UPDATE: iReg taking heavy failed scout incoming from The Scoutlawz.
Why go back to class i giave a valid point to which you reply with an insult it raises the qyestions to you mr iReg you need foruming lessons from Wulf
Pretty sure iReg was insulting pure spys i am simply implying its a valid war build and in no way determines the account holder a coward.
@ ikko I remember a tune when IG used to own the strip war threads. Now it's all " we talk through our news feeds". This aspect of the clan has changed a lot. Not sure whose idea it was to have IG behave like Zaft. IG should revisit its chest-thumping, bravado days.
Z who are you really lots of talk yet I can't even remember who you where in this thread...let me flip back a few pages nope not their ok a few more, nope damn can't find you your as insignificant as a fly on right now, your opinions and accusations mean very little I'm actually enjoying that fact you still "try". But next point, as much as iG says they aren't annoyed with this thread as everyone just bashes them verbally and mentally they send people like lop oh yea he got stripped umm Mickey who are you again? I seem to have forgotten the name Tara poor Tara tried so hard some hours ago what 5 inc from you poor thing if give you a tissue really I would... You say get back to warring but you stay and lurk forums like hawks...errr more like buzzards seems better picture (()) kaaaakaaa coooccoooo is what I hear from iG side same song and dance like a dog and pony show take some of your own advice on shutting up before your further behind, you are not winning the verbal side and losing even worse strip side of this war. I see scoutlaws is trying EE now many from iG side their as well pointing fingers then following suit? Yes I play 20 hrs a day yes I self pin alot as I build funds knock me for what exactly bc you can't hit me try some then try harder and at the end of the day when you hit me I let it happen enjoy the read I care not what y'all say anyways it's funny to watch the abuse