LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. @ iprophet

    I am kind of wonodering how did you get your numbers for the total amount of strps performed by iG and Regs? Neither of those clans have revealed that information to me.
  2. You say it got lame, but you still read it and responded to it...from a pC at that which means you're likely sitting at home with nothing better to do while I pound away on my iPhone from the back of a taxi.

    Come on dude I asked legit question and all you did was flame up. How about actually trying to address those questions?
  3. UPDATE: Igrifter lost 1.3T in a strip. Frog lost 95B (at least that is what he says)
  4. Phil he's obviously just throwing numbers out there hoping everyone will believe him. Hence why I'm here atm. So everyone knows what a clown iRag/poopshoot really is with all his make believe stories. Hell watch long enough n he will most likely tell u a story of shooting flames out his ass to kill the martians he kidnapped from god
  5. Because Phil I'm a numbers guy... It's not hard to watch were gold is moving around at if you're as good at this game as you think.

    Here's an update for your other war thread. hoG failed stripped Huay yesterday. Anyone tell ya about that one? Lol
  6. Does anyone know if there will be an end to this war??
  7. @iprophet

    I just updated the zaft thread. That is why I have been off this one. take a look when you have time.
  8. Oh lookie there! Another tril strip done against iG. Lol how often do these happen...

    Yeah ok we believe you guys. IG is kicking major ass! Sorry Queen's Regs
  9. I'm not on device proph silly....

    And yes I am at home with nothing better to do. I have a child that goes to school in the morning I can't go out and party still like all u cool kids. So you got me. It burnsso bad*sarcasm*
  10. Meant computer. I'm on device I dun play on comp. I'm comp illiterate lol
  11. Cool story Mick/Blaze/D3. That's the beauty of the Internet! You can be whoever you want.

    I'll look for you on the Catfish show.
  12. True iRage u sure can. I'm going to be me. I'll let u act like whatever superhero u want to today. Fair???
  13. Greetings Mr Knocks, and what a pleasure it is to see your fine self on this thread.

    May I be so bold as to consider you a representative of the IG alliance?
    I have an enquiring readership who demand some answers.

    Firstly, why are you guys not publishing strips? I have to wonder at the motivation of that.

    Secondly, what are we to make of the lack of forum action by your side? The absence of strip data, general banter or even the occasional smack down has been missed by all of us. What's going on?
  14. Aww Mickey you're a parent and act like this? No wonder the younger generations are falling apart.
  15. You are right, I'm a kid that parties and acts out for attention. You're a parent that stays at home and acts out for attention. That makes you better how? Pray tell.
  16. I don't speak for iG in any way but the reason the strips aren't publicly mentioned because there are a ton of them going on from the iG alliance. Way to many to list here. Also, why does it matter if forums knows what has been stripped or what hasn't. I know it makes for a great read and all, but if u want some interesting news why not go make urself some trouble and be frontpage instead of editor?

    And I believe they are staying off of forums because they would rather fight with actions and not letters??? Idk. But just because they aren't here taking their shirts off and rubbing moobs together doesn't mean they aren't here, in the background, silently whooping the oppositionregardless of what poopshoot comes and spouts off(seems he cant see past regs in their alliance if u read his posts)
  17. One last question Mickey, when your kid sticks up for his friends, are you gonna tell them to stop sucking in their dangles? Just wondering.
  18. I believe they are staying off forums because every time they post They get owned.