Come on lets get it to 300 pages Phil's ego definitely needs the boost eh KAW money works in RL doesn't it Wulf?! All this time I've been saving up and for nothing sad face
yup Loudmouth guild hansel is a priority over ig, war, tfk, etc Must've hit a nerve somewhere
Dante, Might want to read my wall, it's your clanmate that is mouthing off about me being ca target,
Damn it Psycho!!! I wanted to report that ****!!! Bunch of dumbass hypocrites. Hopefully they use that mith to come strip somebody. Banks need feeding.
Lmao. Since when does anyone need mith to strip regs? They are all potless.. seems like overkill to me.. I mean 3.1 trill off wulf with not one mith used.. just saying.. ok now I will let you get back to your propaganda, bs, blow hard, chatting.. peace out.. Kick
@King of Terror Since when does the majority of kaw care for your opinion?You have a problem take it to the newsfeed
You keep talking about 3.1tril strip of Wulf. Are you all really that proud? How much has iG and war lost with no Mithril? What a joke. Strip the rest of regs and then when they actually bring in their banks, strip those and then be proud. 3.1tril isn't even a dent lol.
Kick, you are a noob with less than a 100b in allies. Which...I will give it to's bolder than the rest of those sissies in Scoutlawz. But my point is this...I could strip you clean by myself on the way to work. I live 8 miles from where I work btw. King, IDC if Regs do Haunts in 5 minutes. As long as they have xstals when I put noobs up in my ca. 3.1t on Wulf...I hate it he lost that. But that's chicken scratch fools. Why do you think your leaders are silencing themselves about it? They know that was merely a morale booster. Guess what? Wulf doesn't care. That KaW need will be back up in no time. You lot remember what happened to Atey when we stripped him a few times? Noob rage resets on LB account and alts. Know what Wulf did? Laugh. Bought more allies. Visited the oracle. Participated in stripping 6t over the next 48 hours. Troll on trolls!!!