Phil, what Proph was trying to propherize with you is that while iG pulled a great effort in the strip on Wulf during his was a few trill. Tough loss for anybody to log into that. True. the grand scheme of things, that was like throwing a lawn chair of of a battleship compared to what we do daily to the opposition. That's the summary. You report/word things a little different. Kind of how some people think cucumbers taste better pickled. Not sure what Deano is sipping on today. But I'd like a swig of it. Our alliance isn't beating the streets for funds. We don't have a money making problem. Troll on trolls!!
"***" was supposed to say "cucumbers." I better check my tap water. Maybe I am on some of that juice that Deano has taken in.
Bahahahahahahahahaha! Not sure why the vegetable I'm trying to type is filtered and turned into a 3 letter word. But troll on it. It's all in the context.
I did hear 46&2 was self stripping members to prep for an OSW I believe but the funds I assume stayed within their clan. However, 46&2 has not funded 1 single gold piece to our war with iG. They considered joining with us and then decided against it for reasons that are their own. Anyone who claims 46&2 has funded Regulators to strip this war, I brand you a liar. But by all means, keep pissing them off. And yes I was stripped successfully sunday morning. They took 2.9t. In response our alliance performed ~2.5t in strips that day, a couple tril yesterday, and are a lil over 4t today. But please don't worry about me. I make make believe gold fast Come get it. :mrgreen:
I see. So you can't have an opinion now...on FORUMS...or dislike war methods or clans...without actually being IN wars. A bit hypocritical and biased, Phil. Don't go back there. *proud of myself for not correcting Phil's spelling and grammar*
Regarding deano... You're not even worth a response. That is all. We've been in around 5...count them...5 osw since this one has started. Somehow we've manage to beat all those clans into quick submission all while funding everyone else's war in this game. My god how naive and stupid most of you are. As Wulf said, keep antagonizing, see where it will get you.
Sorry Phil , bloody 200 pages long! Now can you please update, who is in war? LR side, BH side, any quitters ? Etc , the good stuff! The matter about strips, though meaningful , I'm sure lots happen that go unaccounted for. Now the thread is about the war, any fresh updates as to where it is? And wulf, bravo bud, you are a straight shooter and that we/I have always admired, (we meaning the kawmunity) Good luck in both sides! On the sidelines it's fun to see a real war. I admit I'm pretty much a EB warrior nowadays, RL stuff. Peace and happy kawing to all.
Actually Jayde you categorically told me you left zaft NOT because of me, but because the council wouldn't allow you to help your allies, and one of the deal breakers were that if your allies were to need you, you would be able to still help. The fact you cussed me out in pal after my post just goes to show that I touched a nerve. Yes zaft wanted to tear me a new one, for breaking the zaft don't hit zaft rule, but **** me you were almost as pissed as I was for losing that system war because of five inactive visiting zaft guests. As for loyalty, when I told you I wouldn't join a war against old friends, you gold me its just a game and to grow up, take heed of your own advice. Wulf, you can call me a liar all you want, I was in cc and pal rooms where it was discussed, I have nothing to prove to you. That gold may or may not have funded a strip, I care not, the intention was there, what happened after I left? I dgaf. Proph, after how many pages of ranting about not joining this war, while sticking your nose in it publicly ? I managed to get you to stfu? Probably not but after all your epic ranting your post amuses me.
Well of course I told you it wasn't because of you. You kept saying how you felt bad, so I pacified you. I said two words to you in Pal, in response to you inserting yourself into this. And I meant them. Prophet is right. You don't deserve any further attention.
I don't post in the forum very often, although I do like to read the rubbish people like Deano scribe. Enjoying this OSW more than any other i've been involved in, long live our alliance. Who wants to EB when you can attack the opposition at will.
Well, from what I can tell, there has been an increase of bigger strips, and by bigger strips I mean those over 2T. It is very hard to estimate, but before Wulf, IG went several weeks of daily strips of under 1 Tril total, and they scoff at the claim by regs that they are getting stripped trillions daily. Os-Nckz has not suffered much, but has dropped one place on LB. I think QueenVasia is down about 15 spots from where she was in December. For a good solid month iG was focusing mostly on Alpha. I hear today that has shifted over to the regs, perhaps trying to give Wulf and extra push. The Regs on their part want to focus on Outlaw/Foxes, and wish iG/War would just stay out of it. They would be open to a cf talk if it didn't include Foxes. With that in mind, would it not be a good idea to break this osw into two? Regs vs Foxes and LR vs iG? Would Wulf be willing to let LR go if iG lets them have Foxes?
iG has stated numerous times they ain't backing out so we will keep stripping, war clan has dropped from rank 8 to 24 on the LB, so we will keep stripping, it's the nature of this war keep skull bashing and kicking ass WDGAF ALLIANCE FTW!!!
isn't there a major fault with one hour ebs as it basically shows activity patterns or did you recognise this to begin with and what have you done? Legit question to wulf.
Well although they are not posting I'm still getting lots of messages. Lol QueenV would like to say I am dead wrong if I think her LB rank has changed significantly in the last few months. War would like to say any drop in clan LB is due to movement between subclans of war and not because anything the regs have done. They also have total confidence the War/iG alliance will win this war.
Ballpark figures, hell even I don't know exact amount but by god we have taken atleast that since start of this war moving sub clans, their sub clans hit in this war lol, moving is to trying to escape as we burn up all them pots up please come back to the fire Miss some of your guys on the roster