LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. 
  2. Here we go lads, a tfk member is here, where's that white flag? 
  3. Pos Neg, that's a PS Main right there. No need for a White Flag 
  4. Oh dear god, a pure spy ireg be my meat shield! 
  5. I'll save you pos
  6. Well, Phil was right about 46
  7. ******* ampersand!

    Well, Phil was right about 46 and 2 supplying strip funds for regs.

    I was in the clan at the time and personally bought allies off prophet at the time for that exact reason.

    Chose to believe me or not, but anyone in kaw that knows me knows that I may be many things but I am not a liar.
    He was also right about 46 and 2 leaving zaft because zaft council wouldn't allow them to join or supply funds for the war against ig.
    Now I'm sure that the almighty prophet will jump on this with full denial, it's a shame that zaft have a no forum rule or I'm sure that one of them would've refuted his claims of acting otherwise before.

    I find it Funny that when I left 46
  8. ******* ampersand again!!!!

    I find it Funny that when I left 46
  9. I find it Funny that when I left 46 and 2 because I didn't want to fight on the same side as last rights and fight against some old friends you told me you were going to reset me, yet a few pages ago you were saying you told regs you wouldn't join because of last rights!

    If I hadn't blocked Jayde I'd show you the ss of her telling me to shush for mentioning it in cc.

    Guess I need to lay off the cider, apologies for the spam
  10. Wow Deano. Your reputation on KaW just took a nosedive. You publically just tried to call out an old friend, and a clan who stuck up for you on many occasions. Loyalty is not your strong suit, is it? It must be why you clan hop so often. Your temper. Read on.

    Actually those funds went to stripping clanmates so that they could upgrade, and grow the clan. That's part of having loyalty in your clan, which you know nothing about. I was warned about you and your drama. It's unfortunate I had to find out firsthand.

    First, we don't share council privileged information with clan members. You were never in talks with us about this war (YES, we did talk about joining the war and weighed all angles - ultimately the decision was made not to - this is not a secret).

    Second, we left Zaft because of YOU. Remember that? Yes, everyone, THIS is the real story, and one we wouldn't share before out of respect for DEANO187. How fooled were we? They told us to kick you out of the clan and we WOULDN'T DO IT because of our loyalty to our clanmates.

    Deny it. There were many witnesses to your farming family members (over inactivity in EE war, btw, everyone, in case you wanted to keep up), and MANY witnesses to your temper tantrum when you stormed out of CC and Pal groups.

    Yet here you are, in forums spouting off "information" that you were never privy to. We never denied talking about joining the war. We just never joined it.

    We gave up an alliance to stand up for YOU and your ridiculous drunken childish temper tantrums. Oh we made excuses about it, sure, but ultimately that is what it came down to. We would not kick you, they said we had to, and we said, "Ok then bye". And this is how you repay us?

    Zaft members who wanted to tear deano apart that night, and I wouldn't let you? Have at him.
  11. Havent we already established that it takes longer, and messes up your post, to type in the ampersand?
  12. @iprophet

    Please read the thread carefully. Wulf has undergone two major strips and one minor one. The first strip did not strip him bare but the second one did. Wulf has freely admitted to this.
  13. @deano

    Well that information is a surprise to no one on this forum, especially considering the dozen of posts made by iprophet explaining why iG sucks so bad. However, unless he or Jayde themselves declare war or a member of the IG/BH alliance decide to declare war on 46, I cant add the name to the war history.
  14. wow 280 pages thats pretty good
  15. Philosopher, i think what iprophet meant by that post was that regs, lr and friends stripped more than they stripped wulf that day. Not denying that wulf was stripped.
  16. Gave you an exclusive news story one page ago, Phil.
  17. @jayde

    Yes, you are right about this. Talking about joining the war is not the same thing about actually doing it.

    Deano is claiming the allies he bought off of prophet went towards stripping iG. Only iprophet could have told him one thing but did another. Also no iG council member has reported any direct attacks originating from your clan.
  18. As I stated in my post, the clan buying allies from Prophet generated gold that went to stripping our own clan, for upgrades. Getting rather sick of all of the accusations, though. Between this thread and others, we're supposedly in this war and the Zaft/Apoc war.

    We're busy, apparently.
  19. @jayde

    I understand your frustration. However, considering the inflamitory posts made by iprophet, you better get used to the speculation.
  20. I got my bets on LR and alliance if LR loses i will reset again 