LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Just in case you don't speak emoji and ss, the one is saying you talk really tough for a war runner monster.  Maybe you should wait a little before trying to call people out.
  2. War runner ? This account was given to me, the person that have me this account is my next door neighbor . He sold me his iPod and told me I could have the account with it. He was kicked from BH with his other account, cause apparently they didn't like the fact that he gave this account away. I'm no war runner, can't run from a war I was never a part of . Next time ask around before you talk
  3. You seem to act a lot like old guy hmm I call bull**** on that story
  4. I've never had a conversation with any LR since I came back, you don't know how I act or how I talk. Don't speak like if you know.
  5. Monster. Quit lying. Runners like you with 101 excuses in every war.

    Trolls, slap yourselves.
  6. Shawn, strength and power dosent come from having one big account with a shiny lb badge, ik people with 20 accounts bigger than yours tht could tear most of top 50 right down, yet arent there thenselves
  7. Feel free to ask BH for his reasons as to why he gave me this account, no use in fighting with people that think they know everything. I've been around long enough to know that arguing with people like you or LR will not amount to anything, and you guys won't believe a word I say. Not wasting anymore letters on you.
  8. you can get monster acc banned for admitting to buying a account i think? Anywayz continue arguring!
  9. Monster you're a hypocrite. You speak to me like You know me. Why can't others speak to you like the same way?

    I'm still laughing at the not as ruthless as Ajax line. Go educate yourself noob. I'm as ruthless as they come. Ask your fellow clan mates.
  10. Womb-I didn't buy an account, I bought the iPod off my friend and he didn't device transfer . He gifted me this account just like pinky was gifted his account.

    iProphet- you took a personal opinion to heart . All I said was I don't THINK your like Ajax , that's cause I remember Ajax . Didn't mean to insult you , just speaking my mind from memories
  11. Are you dumb? 'My nehibor sold me ipod' now my friend i bought off of. Then same post ' he gave me forgift'
  12. Apologize if you took my comment in any way an insult, but I'm sure you think the same way , a person is nothing if he doesn't speak his mind .
  13. do you have a mind?
  14. AND last rights ss proves the original owner knew u was specifically buying the ipod 4 da acc
  15. Womb whats ur old name
  16. It's apparent you don't have a mind by your moronic post.

    Practice your apologizing. Next time one like that wont save your ass.
  17. What would you call it if I buy an iPod for personal reasons and he tells me to keep an account ? I'd call it a gift . And he is my friend? Just cause he's my neighbor he can't be a friend ? What has this world come to .
    And before he sold me this iPod he made sure I had no ties to the war if I had chosen to accept this account . Sorry if it seems like I bought an account, all I did was buy a device .
    Buying accounts is against ToU, not being devices .
  18. Don't bring my acct/name into your runner excuses.

    I have this acct in the war and won't be leaving it