ok blazy you got me im an alt. ill tell you a little about me and lets see if forum can guess who i am . I start wars and run away. I sell accounts oht of fear. even though its against the ToU my boyfriend gets access to my accts.. wait hes not my bf i just live with him. i love making attempts to justify my actions in forum. ive been verbally owned everytime i post this thread by belle ireg amd iprophet and im now getting pwned and educated by my alt. omg blazy ! IM YOUR alt ! you bat **** crazy ***** wth are you arguing with me in public for ? god i hate you ! omg im talking to myself in public again. i better run again :/
Same crap over and over. Read my banner So u gonna keep pretending to be a nobody or shall I take a guess? Why are u so scared/embarrassed to post the name that most of us may know? So are u iggy, night, contra, logical? Names and links suggest any of above. Which means u been pretending to be someone u are not, cos u can't be all of them right? Lol or maybe u ar Wulf as trolls suggested? cmon grow some
-Ooz-, thanks for noticing!!! It's a nice look for me. Blaze...if you can't figure out who Infidel is, just assume it's me. It might be. I don't have my spreadsheet up.
I still like how old school blazey was a propaganda machine, yet now she is anti That's propaganda in itself. Mind=blown
Deuce...you're definitely right brother. I'll be the player y'all need me to be. Dante, yeah. No secret that outside of war, I think Blaze is as cool as the other side of the pillow. But...Infidel has her on the ropes. She's real vulnerable in this situation.
So your saying that accounts dont get given away , sold , bought , transfered and such ? that would imply that your still in control of trouble aint that right runner ? since your dying to know. i aquired tisaccount over a year ago. before devs outlawed the transfer of accounts between players and im paying it on a samsung galaxy IIs. not everybody has alts blazy. just because ive been around longer than you. by no means implys im anybody but me. lol im glad i mean so much to you but....... isnt it about time for you to hit the street and go to work ?
Lol dante, information and propaganda are two different things. I was always against propaganda because it involves fabrications, lie, exaggerations, conspiracy theories etc - no need for it unless one is desperate lol information is a different story. But i'm afraid u may not know the difference anymore. A lot of ur friends tell me in pm not to worry about what's said in forums or in public, cos its only propaganda so i shouldn't be taking it seriously lol I don't understand that tbh. I'm always the same lol Still waiting on fake infidelto man up. But I'm pretty sure he won't cos if I'm right, its contra, known by many as a traitor. He wouldn't want to be recognized lolol I remember one of bh members telling me that Luke had given u his acct. That explains all the butthurt towards bh and ig..but if so, u are no one to judge me or bh or ig. U been doing ur ebs and lurked forums for over a year. Maybe u should get off osw threads - things have changed since then and forums contain very little if any clean info lol
Oh blazy your going to lose sleep with worry about me. ive no clue who contra is was or may be. must have joined BH after i left. You mistake truth for anger. nothing ive posted about ig or bh is incorrect. even from your fantasy land you have to admit that. is ig as feared and respected as r they were 2 years ago ? i dont think so. as iProphet stated they traded loyalty skill and detication for nob bying players. how about bh?? you think it now compares in any way to what it was with dis arsh and nick at the helm ? you ran it into the ground started a war and ran away. those are the facts. since you failed as a clan leader why not try something new? i hear there needing a new skipper on the failboat SS Runaway. you should apply
"Princess" Pure Spy Tara - You called them out for pinning your spies rather than attacking you during a strip. I was curious as to why you questioned that, as of COURSE you...person I actually don't know but seems to have some anger issues...should know better. You certainly come across as someone who thinks they know everything. I DO know that a pure spy in an OSW is cowardly, and I DO know that a pure spy who doesn't realize why pinning spies during a strip, over attacking them because *gasp* THEY HAVE GOLD OUT, would be more beneficial... just isn't paying attention. Don't back pedal. This isn't a PW, Princess. It's an OSW. You should know better, and you certainly shouldn't bring your ignorance to the forums. It's not a nice place. I AM the "queen" of using condescension techniques in forums. Don't try to use it back on me. It has no effect. I don't know you, I've never heard of you, and I certainly don't care of what you think of me.
@Gamehendge... Thank you for further showing the level of stupidity your side of war has to offer. Smack yourself. You along with the majority of kaw claims to know my alts. We'll let me give you some tips... The iProphet account is an alt, always has been. I've even public told kaw but it seems you all aren't smart enough to figure it out. One of the best things I've learned about this game is if you want people to believe you, lie, if you want them to not believe you, tell the truth. This community thrives on rumors and drama. I've been puppet mastering this game since I made the very first iProphet account long ago. You wanna know my alts? I'll give you this much, I am 46, I am iG, I am Regs, I am Apoc, I am ZAFT, I am RCA, I am NBN, I am mercs Inc, I am YAFI, I am KaW! Muahahahahahaha However I am not iReg, and you sir are in violations of ToU. Tut tut Gamehendge. Make better guesses next time, cause fact is there's not but one player in this game that knows my accounts and they ain't saying a word. @Tara...a bit of advise: Jayde is one of the smartest people I've met on this game. After your extremely noob posting earlier today, it was very bold of you to think you can match wits with her. I highly recommend you either save face and don't give her the chance to make you look like a complete fool, or you educate the hell out of yourself with all things kaw within the next 24 hours. I promise you this, won't end like you think.
@iprophet A bit of advice, not advise Advice is a noun, advise is a verb. Sorry for the grammar knit-picking.