Phil, good point. I forgot about those SS's between Belle and Wulf. They hugged. No tension. No drama. Jingle Bells, I don't need to check with anybody about facts or permission. I do what I want fool. As far as the relationship between Belle and your "friend" that paid for your freedom with intel, they'll be fine. I covered his name. His English is his as bad as yours though...hmm... But it doesn't matter to me. I don't need a mole to tell me when we should strip. know Jingle Bells ain't gonna try to go at it with you. He's a small hansel tapper. Never see incoming from him on attack builds. Not knocking it. I tap Scoutlawz all day when I want some cheap tricks. Blaze, I for sure did go purespy back in the war when BH was BH. And I began to up my stock in spies. I adapted to the changes in KaW. Once Regs were established after our baptism of OSW, I changed builds again. When's the last time you adapted? Your adapt is to sell an account your scared will be left holding 0 gold. Then run from the clan you drug into war. BH...where are you lot?
Ill take a hug. Never turn down a good hug. Then you can go crawl under your rock.... But in all seriousness brenna. I will give credit where credit is do. You are active and you do hit. Unlike most of your clan. So I think it is you that may need a hug from the stress of carrying all that deadwood in your clan
Blazy you really dont have a clue do you? did i say anywhere those players i mentioned were kicked ? you really before you post. but then again you opinions and comments matter not. YOUR A RUNNER ! you have neither the brain power or skill to match wits with me. let alone all the others your trying to banter with on this thread. and btw it was Nightmarewalking no underscore. you really should get help for that memory problem. at least ig.amd BH are has beens you are nothing but a never.was.
Infidel, since when do I or iG need to answer to you? I believe "never" is the much shortened and clean version of what I would like to say. Unless you're IN the OSW, what we or the other side do is NONE of your's or anyone's business. It's sad how unclassy people can be, particularly in a war GAME. Y'all seriously need a real life and should get outside from time to time. You know, socialize with people face-to-face.
... Because they were pinning your spies...because you were stripping someone...using your...spies... Why would they attack a pure spy during a strip? I mean...this is KaW 101. I' Still reading, and kind of embarrassed about it. BAD reality TV!
the old none of my biz answer lol. afraid to give the real answer huh tara ? and seems im now involved in your littke war. one of your wiggies desided to try me out. lol what an idiot. last thing you need is more people on you. oh and PY send a real wig into my news will you. if theres one there. or maybe i should go and hit LR since the best of ig and bh are there now. at least they would be a challenge.
Brenna. Keep reading the inspirational quotes. They just might console you a bit. Cause we all know BH needs consoling especially when you have your larger players like _-God-_ running away to sit the rest of the war clan less in the limbo of KAW. Now nighty night now it's past your bedtime
"Queen" Jayde, it is KaW 101. If one if your clanmates is being stripped, wouldn't you go balls to the wall and try to pin not only him but spies as well? During the referenced 3.5 hours, we got maybe 20 minutes of spotty incoming via scout bombs. Nothing consistent and certainly not much of an impact during xstal runs. If the hansels were doing the spy actions, surely they could whack us pure spies also. Reality TV, that's cute. Perfect example of someone in need of a real life.
“If you can cultivate the right attitude, your enemies are your best spiritual teachers because their presence provides you with the opportunity to enhance and develop tolerance, patience and understanding.”
Can someone from iG please respond to the SS posted by iReg? Are the SS between belle and balle or someone close to balle? Or is it between belle and someone unknown in which belle is trying to setup balle?
Did i read it right? iProp quotes Erwin Rommel??? Can't believe it... Anybody has to cut the line of this "brilliant brain"...
Hey iProphet, you slipped up chatting on your iReg account, I get that. People make mistakes. But spending the better part of the day talking to yourself to save face is just embarassing. You called yourself the "honey badger" for Pete's sake, that move has tool written all over it. Much respect to your consigliere Wulf for his handling of his bout of misfortune earlier. It's high time you man-up and grow some backbone of your own. What are you hiding from? This is a tap game with make believe gold after all...
Actually war-builds and smaller spies should use assns (failed or won doesnt matter so dont waste pots) to spy pin a PS. Just saying. Free OSW lesson If your spy attks big enough to win scouts without wasting pots then successful scouts are just as effective
And I thought my English was bad. Don't matter, underscore or not. U get my point. That acct was renamed to Logical anyway. Original Night acct is now x0_0x. I know u didn't say bh kicked any of them, my point was: they left bh, in mid osw requesting cf. So why talk about how much of great og bh they were unless u also wanna talk about what they've become. For some loyalty is just a word so no biggie. If u are calling me a runner, than how about them? I'm still in this osw so obviously left bh for reasons other than this war. If claiming that lr and friends had made me run, is all they can do, and if it makes yall feel better, I totally don't mindDis acct ummm should really stop pretending to be dis lol Hey, don't say how great u are when iprophet is around, he's gonna get offended
Gamehendge, listen lil Fox, I'll say this again. I'm not Proph's alt this week. I'm also not Wulf's alt. Not Metal-Storm's alt either. I might be Belle. Might. Now slap yourself for coming to the grown-ups table with some non-sense.
Blazy you really are wacked. do you see me prending to be anybody? do any of these readers see me pretending to be anybody? i dont think so. the only one pretending on this thread is you. and maybe the idiot a few pages back who said he never lied in his life . lol prob a alt of yours. why not go hang out in ig with ven ? since your not a runner * cough liar cough cough** your prob i n WAR as a spy keeping watch on there CC so ig knows whats beung said about them there. eithe that or LR paid you. rumor is theres not mych you wont do for a dollar $0_o
Rumors yay! That just made me think ur main is belleso who are u, I'm interested to see if u will actually post. What other names can we know u by?