LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Beginning to think I was misinformed about you. But will give benefit of the doubt. Lot gets lost in text based communication. Will chalk it up to misunderstanding/misinterpreting my post. Those who know me know my veracity. Happy warring, no more talk of CF please, we aren't going anywhere.
  2. If I joined the regs for a quick haunt would I have to lie about it on my banner? 
  3. We don't have guests for EB or EW that are outside of our alliance.
    After the war you are welcome to visit and talk to our recruiters.
  4. I always seem to miss the item phase so no thank you
  5. Machine, he said he didn't follow anyone and all contacts were on his list for weeks. He also said no1 told him that he may be unfollowed and to wall if he has anything substantial to say. Both statements are lie. Ss proves it.

    Omg morteso my personal life that u know nothing about but rumors, that u so much like to collect, effects the war??? Ooook..I wont get into explaining u that this is JUST A GAME, cos u obviously skipping ur psycho meds again tsk tsk If you are so obsessed, it doesn't mean everyone has to be lol for example, idc if ur hubby is actually ur hubby or just a bf of few yearsor maybe imaginary friend?

    In short:

    Dingo talked **** on bh. I farmed him. He decided he will hit my other acct without finding out if it indeed was still mine and happened to farm ig bank. U failed to take numerous warnings into consideration and hit that bank ur self, claiming its still mine, even after ig conformation it was theirs. Dingo reset and had his acct reinstated because 'it may cause pr issues for lr' so now he destroyed most of his buildings and openly expressed his hate towards u, on our walls.

    U can keep braking ToU and claim I shared my acct but after all there is only 2 ppl who knows the truth for a fact - me and Ven. Our clans, friends and allies just do what they always did great - fight along side with us. And u with ur propaganda and lie only support their confidence in my (the correct) version of the story. So stop trying to make it personal - again, it's just a game. A war game.

    U can proceed adding ur details, generated by conspiracy theories and faking ss. Hope it justifies ur actions in the eyes of ur own allies..

    Maybe get a punching bag and name it after me since that's all u can do - idc lol tbh I won't be surprised if u already have one
  6. Bahahahahahahahaa. It's Blazey the BH runner.
  7. My goodness this thread exploded with hate today.

    I find it funny that we have leaders of huge KaW families in here arguing over he-said-she-said semantics.

    "You said this and then I said this and then I said I unfollowed you and then you followed me and then I..."

    Pages 240-241 or SS postings about some stupid "lie" about a FOLLOW? That's all you have, KaW players? That's what keeps you slinging hate at each other in forums? A FOLLOW?


    Give us the real dirt. This is starting to look like reality TV, and BAD reality TV at that. I had to stop reading. It's like children all caught with their hands in the cookie jar, all with chocolate on their fingers, and all trying to lie their way out of it.

    Still don't care about the petty crap...and frankly it's making you ALL look bad (that was to both sides, not just one, so no one can claim I'm biased here).
  8. But when I miss the item phase... I usually lie about it on my banner..
    "Damn I really crushed out that item phase"

    I would fit in good
  9. iG how much have you guys stripped in total? You got Wulf finally...and now look how y'all are acting like you've finally accomplished something

    I know regs and company have taken well over 100tril of you Guys so I'm curious what your count is.
  10. Btw. Not that we all haven't seen queen naked already but I wouldn't be surprised to see her naked on kaw too
  11. Oh and while we're throwing around silliness. Brood omfg dude. I thought highly of you till I saw some of you messages with other people lol. Aren't you married bro? Lmao
  12. I can't get enough of this thread.

    Major props to WAR and NBN for being the only clans of class in this osw.

    The rest of y'all are just embarrassing yourself for all of kaw to laugh at. Thanks for the entertainment.
  13. it's prophet, the guy who will rat his own mother out for a couple of virtual trills
    I bet Wulf don't care anymore about what clan I'm at after I maxed out few accts on his stripoh wait, he probably does strictly for propaganda purpose.. I see all the groupies coming out to cheer him up huh

    Done here

  14. I thought that was awhile ago that you left...what did I miss?
  15. You've been done here lol. Btw this isn't prophet I errr i mean he sold my err i mean his account to someone else errr i mean me, who is now playing it and will likely join sicnoc in the next few days

    Finally a strip over 2tril. Took ya long enough. How much rl life money did that cost y'all? Lmao.

    And get it straight. I'd sell my mutha out for 500bil. I love gold!!!!!!
  16. Your banner is so true Blazey. You know all about how powerful heroin is huh. Lol.
  17. We must be doing something right for you guys to rage. lol
  18. Proph you are the tallest cheerleader I've ever seen. Do they make the size "gargantuan" outfit???? And can I pay you to tutor my daughter in cheerleading??? U can buy more goldzzz with it
  19. Popcorn anyone? Last 5 pages is a good read. Lookin forward to see the ss ireg is going to post about jingle, should be a good read as well. But seriously folks y all the rage and nonsense in this thread? I remember when the war first broke out. Everyone on both side where like "respect to all kingdoms in this osw" it was a very polite war and people where having fun. What the hell happend?
  20. Yes Mickey they do. And my legs look great in it too.

    I remember you being my cheerleader lol 