Aren't you overdue for another rage quit shadow? Maybe reset again? I think it's hilarious that you show so much interest in a war where both side have a casual dislike/ no respect for you. Fact #1: LR got you to apologize on forums, reset, then rage quit at a later date all within the span of a week or two. Fact #2: BH kicked you for being too much of a whiny noob. It's pretty sad to have been kicked for being such a noob by a huge group of other noobs. I equate it to getting kicked off the short bus because the other retards thought you were holding them back. Fact #3: You annoy everyone you come into contact with. I challenge you to find 1 other person who is willing to put up with you for more than a week. (No your alts don't count)
Meh - its make believe gold. They left me with over 330 allies - and didn't do much damage to my BFA. Now if I can only convince Jayde to reset :lol:
I rarely do press releases, especially in forums, so don't expect too much in the way of discussion here. To those who say "Is this still going on?". Well of course. Its a war game. Its fun and it doesn't keep us from doing anything we like within KAW. Our alliance makes more gold than is stripped from us (this can easily be verified by looking at EB histories). Stealing our enemy and attacking epic battles covers pot costs, strips, and even enough gold some can continue to upgrade. Our alliance enjoys the new EE system with an endless supply of mithril for war efforts and for buying the latest in war equipment fashion. On top of that all we seem to average 20t a week in strips without denting banks. To those who don't like "how we war" ….I got nothing. We never took your feelings into consideration when we implemented it. Our bad. I hear the Red Coats were pretty unhappy when their opponents warred in ways they didn't like too. To those saying we are asking for a CF. SS or it didn't happen. First and only discussion about a CF came out of a PM contact where an IG member reached out to us because she may have needed to take time off KAW and wanted to discuss a personal CF. That spilled into a minor and unofficial discussion about a full CF which ended when iG would not accept our terms. We have a pretty long history of not asking for a CF. To those saying we are warring over a "Vendettas" Regulators have no vendetta. We war to protect ourselves and our allies. There is a rumor that we are out to destroy Foxes and demand that they disband. Our war council has not demanded that anyone disband. Honestly we haven't given enough consideration to Foxes to ask anything of them. We only stated that we could not accept a cease fire from them as we do not believe they will respect it. (this is our opinion, whether you agree or not) Foxes & OutDoo were not allies of iG before this war. They attacked us without provocation a mere five weeks after suing for peace. As such we see their attack on our alliance as a rejoining of the previous war. Therefore it is our opinion that these as two wars must be negotiated separately. Our opponents do not agree with us so we respect their opinion on this point and continue to war. To the Regulators and our allies, Thank you for your dedication and support. It goes without saying in our alliance but I will spell it out here for all to see. We do not threaten or make demands of our members or allies. We respect and reward loyalty with fierce support. However should any of our allies feel the need to depart from our alliance, and this war, they may do so without fear of being farmed, threatened, or belittled. Our alliance is based on respect, trust, loyalty, and support not fear or peer pressure. That's how we roll.
Im gonna be honest and admit I made a few mistakes I have nothing to hide, nothing to prove. but anyway fact#1 5 days is not 'weeks' as you keep spreading round 0.5 weeks? doesn't work and I'm many things but Issac mendez is not one of them. If I stripped 2 or 4b? for two unloads in 30b Idk whether that is right or not nor do I care. :lol: fact#2 I made that thread because of Ghosts advice and no forced action from LR and I reset because I believed something pretty stupid but hey everyone makes mistakes and learns. fact#3 While your claiming BH are 'noobs' the recent dingo afair is one in a line of mismanagements O have seen from you lots of mistakes so does this give you the status of noobs too? fact#4 Greenman stan has 'deleted' the app so he says and quiet a few have gone ps not to mention bio going innactive in war as stated in pal. but probably changed his stance on that. you where saying?
I stopped reading your post after you claimed 5 days was half a week. Buy a calendar moron. It's not worth taking the time to break your nonsense post apart.
*will not be a grammar nazi with shadows post* Well put Wulf. Knowing that 1.5t is A LOT and so much work was put into that. Yet, you still mention its just a game. People forget to live outside of the box. Hope everyone can keep this a fun game. Good work iG/BH and all others. Wulf is a machine by not getting caught slipping. But it only takes one slip. Have fun and good luck to all.
lol I didnt claim five days was half a week 0.5 as in 7=1 and by the second part I'm guessing that means you can't think of a rebuttal ill take it as a win.
Thanks for that honest post Wulf. I heard you were only open for 15 min and they got 1.5 t in that time. Damn.
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A statement from the OG Alliance We note with interest the claims made about the strip on Wulf. It was claimed that we took about 65% of his gold. It was also claimed that he was open for only 15minutes. Within the time he was open, we ran 150fb of steals. Minus the losses, we ran 120fb of successful steals. Regardless of the amount, our alliance need only 20-30mins to clean a target. The strip on Wulf was the smaller of 2 strips we ran in 24 hours. This excludes about 7 other strips we ran between the two. It was also amusing to read the claims made about iG banks. It is always useful when our enemies believe that we have no funds to strip them. Please maintain that assumption. We hope that our enemies believe that and sleep soundly every night. Do not check your accounts. Do not stay awake. Do not worry. You will not wake up naked. Believe that. OG Alliance We dominate
I am confused. What was the point of that? You did about 5 paragraphs/sentences to talk about a strip that has already been public. He said what was taken. Or was I supposed to be impressed by the quantity of bars per 30 minutes you claim to do