LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. 218 pages 
  2. Add the yoloswagulators to the LR side. :)
  3. So any updated news on the 2 side of the war?
  4. Nvm, take them off now.
  5. IG/BH
  6. Biggest strip so far happened today. 8.2 T off of sir Duncan ( formerly beast) in wit. Wit has been one of the hardest hit clans so far this war.
  7. Wow 8.2 trill
  8. Ouch that's gotta hurt.
  9. Update: The LR player DiNGO, one of the key players who started the war. Has dropped most of his build. There was a claim that he was hacked, but wall posts by DINGO himself on BH walls show that he dropped because he was tired of the game and how his clan was handling it.
  10. well respect to dingo, guess he is not so immature.
  11. Update: WAR player Paulnelson was stripped and estimated 6.7 T today.

    IG changed tactic today. They switched from alpha to Regs and hit and stripped members that were not taking part in the EE war. They then went back to alpha and reportedly stripped 1.3 T off of 2 members.
  12. The BH player captian_ding has the dingo wall post where he explains why he dropped his build.
  13. Update: could the seven deadly sins family have added another sin: bickering? A group of lust members have moved to pride which is not taking part in the war. Rumor has it the move was hotly argued over within the clan. Presently awaiting confirmation.
  14. Nice updates very helpful to see what's happening in the osw
  15. At one point when I was in wig and philosopher was just starting out as a 0 stat alt I hated him because he told the truths about ig. Now, I realize the value of his posts. Philosopher, despite your small post count you are one of the best forumers here.
  16. Thanks gerpums. Aiming for quality over quantity.
  17. Update: 7ds has denied the rumor. Say there is no clan dissension at present.
  18. No one left 7-lust-7