LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. my point is obvious. you come on here to say stop bragging blah blah 3 days old blah blah. teach em at a young age i say
  2. Lol, I am pretty sure I know my own points. But thank you for sharing your actual understanding.
  3. lolwut? you asked what my point was ;)
  4. Who are you?

  5. .. Pretty sure that was my point for starters.

    Anyways, why even care?

    The only one who cares was *ButtHurt* Diablo 

    As I stated earlier, bragging about 'disbanding' a three day old clan is not an 'accomplishment'
    But you are who you are

  6. diablo poor diablo. if that was bragging on my part then you dont even know how i roll. ive done alot worse.
    funny that you cant differ between just stating something that i didnt even feel the need to mention as i pointed out and running round talking nonstop about how we did it. go cry elsewhere
  7. who the heck is this willy guy asking who i am? grrr ill farm yo ass -_-
  8. Farming my ass may yield you some interesting crops.

    Unfortunately none have survived to tell the tale.
  9. where is max at? he would have his mind blown that im talking to my alt ;)
  10. Willy shall you hath a scorn that of a woman?
  11. i shouldnt say that on here, people will for real take us serious
  12. Hell hath scones? And chicks?!

    ******* A! Hell rocks!

    @ Pinky

    Max is probably still trying to decipher our spacing and general dictionary for common ties to link the two of us.

    Little does he know we are BFF's sitting on a sofa in our undies watching "Baywatch" reruns together.

    You need another beer bro? Good. Get me one.
  13. ok bro catch.

    yoooo look up!!!
  14. With Rock'N'ROLL platform shoes and the heaviest of heavy metal rock bands ; Queen.
  15. For the record most 7ds members moved after iG wit and wig was hitting 2 clans out of the war only clans in war was wrath and lust.
    Pride and envy has been out of the war and continued to stay out of the war till members started getting hits most to lust or wrath so nice try on us  noobcake
    ٦ ༰༣༮༰༨ཌ ཧ༏མཧ٦-ཨ༫༮ནཝ-٦
     not impressed and I'm off forums
     Come at me 
  16. @ xstal rain bringer

    Holy mith spells bro! You're all hyped up!
  17. You forgot the blue one for your spies. Check the timer.
  18. Those who talk a lot and lies, tend to be caught in them.

    Wulf claimed that

    1. Everyone he spoke with had been in his contact for weeks.

    2. No one made the statement

    3. No one unfollowed




    He followed Brood_Warrior to discuss.

    And he was told exactly as we stated:


    Why did you need to lie Wulf?
  19. :lol: I'm in an SS :)