How's leaving a clan has anything to do with running if im still fighting? Are u saying Sugar ran too? i see she's back, but coming from ur logic, she ran. We may assume u farmed her in coming back? wait, u bad at farming, u don't even have attack pots these days Anyways..Ur clan is full of osw runners. Maybe they can explain u what running means
farming is the only thing im good at blazey, remember 2 bh members have publicly apologised and asked for cf and 1 is still in bh
Well, u fail nearly every attack on me, a hanselu may say I don't worth pots but ur two-three losses u throw at me never pinned me, and I bet ur sweet paying lr hansels wish I was pinned
Okay retard. Here we go. 1) ven left ig and joined black hand two days after YOUR KNOWN account that owned black hand was hit (2 bars) by dingo. He did not confront me. No one in ig came to me and told me that it didnt belong to you. No. What I received was a message from the owner saying that it wasnt her account.... Exactly like the messages we get now about the troublemaker account. Okay. So.... Where were we? Oh yes. Your not-boyfriend left ig and moved to black hand. IF this was his account- then why did he wait two full days (especially as there were no further hits on it) to leave IG and join black hand to start hitting me and dingo? And why would he start hitting me? Because I didnt touch your bank. But what I HAD done is called you a lying little whore. Maybe your not-boyfriend was angry at me for saying mean things to his dim witted not-girlfriend who couldn't fend for herself?!? Ven stayed in black hand for a day or two after that. He eventually left and went to some eb clan that I don't remember. I messaged Tara who told me that it was an ig account (but brood helped to clarify that it was only PRIMARILY IG). She told me that ven wanted to work whatever his problem was out on his own without ig involvement. So I said sure. Then 4 days pass and ven is crying and raging in my pm to stop hitting his bank. I found this really odd since I had told dingo not to hit it (beyond the two initial bars that only you -blazey- seemed to know or care about even though it wasnt your account) and I hadn't hit it at all. I told him to stop hitting myself and dingo and to go back to the 1vs1 between dingo and trouble acct and I'd stop hitting both him and blazey. Because - honestly- I was a tad confused I had barely been hitting ven. He was hitting from pin around 20 hrs a day. And my target was burning trouble for breaking the 1vs1 three separate times - first with Hayden hitting, then blazin joining in, and then her not-boyfriend. So what do we have? Blazey's not-boyfriend lying and saying we were hitting a bank that was the owner of black hand and known to be blazey's alt. But I think the important thing to remember in all of this is that Blazey ran from war. She is a war runner. She abandoned her clan. She fed them to the wolves. She is the lowest form of life in kaw. She now galavants about forums failing miserably at explaining away her lies. But she has no excuse for being a war runner. All she has is a big fat mouth. That she used to get her not-boyfriend to help her against dingo and me (for calling her bad names and making her cry). Seriously blazey. You are disgusting. How can you lack the sense of self to continue ranting on here when you deserted your family and ran away? You should be hiding and ashamed! I guess in your line of work, you lost the last bit of your humility and shame years ago though Now- I have received 4 failed steals and one success all day long from your alt account. The one with a 50 bil reset bomb and no pots. The one with nothing to lose. While your main is off eb'ing and doing ee wars. How is that NOT a runner again? Seriously. You sound disgusting. And very very stupid.
No no, that's kash and shaakza or whatever who bought my adp thousands today onlyI figured u'd like. Maybe if u had some, I'd fail attacks on u too but u are way to broke to have adp
LOL broke has nothing to do with have dp, im a smart shopper and i sold them b4 war.. figured i would be able to retain max profit from this war instead of losing billions. my logic may be silly but keeps my kids fed
lol think all you like i dont care what you or anyone else thinks what clan im in i just do things for the hell of it. capeesh?