Only Lowlands for now. Of course, the idea of HL, HF, and TA Wars have crossed our minds, but for the moment focusing on Lowlands is the best way to achieve high participation and accessibility. Initially, Pots and Mith spells will not be included either. They may be integrated in the future, but would be designed with these wars in mind. AKA, you won't be crushing noobs with Mystical Hammers.
I'd like to see the indis we have now stay as well as have these wars hope you are not removing the old war completely and having these I can understand primal because nobody does it.
LL will stay vs LL only. I'm asking if there will be different competing tiers, they don't meet, they stay within tiers.
Support , wars need changes... In the way are now getting less and less interesting. Let's try new things , idea looks fear.. And also will bring back Ee wars to clans..
No announced start date yet. We wanted to loop you guys first. How come? Remember, we're listening to ideas and can make changes if there are good reasons to make those changes, but we need you guys to articulate why you feel the way you feel.
Are attack/defense pots still going to be in play? For example, a complete balanced build on the lowlands yields a 2.33 Mill CS build (24 level 3 circle of elementals and a castle). However, a full complement of the current attack pots gives an additional 204,300,000 in raw (or just over 4 Mill CS equivalent hitting power). In other words the effect from pots is roughly twice as large as the effect from build strength alone. If your recall from Seasons 1 and 2, there was a certain level of outcry regarding GH and SH builds because the pots gave them the ability to hit much higher than their build alone warranted. If I were looking for an exploit, I would have my builds barely meet the threshold requirement, sell all defense pots (if, under your new system, pots burned on an attack count for better plunder), and have my builds all hit with full pots. We slam into the other side with our pot assisted hits, make better plunder (because we are small builds hitting up into bigger builds), and give up less plunder when we are hit back because we have sold our defense pots. If Lowland wars become a thing, you might want to check into the disparity the pots will bring to the equation. Edited: Well looks like KaW answered the question as I was typing this. No pots will be available for these wars (at least initially). Nothing to see here . . . .move along.
Will you be able to have a separate "land" called war land " where you can build different buildings then what our normally play with , or Is what you have on the low lands what your stuck with in these wars . I would like to have a new low hand where we could put up our " war buildings " and when the war starts those lands are used rather than the ones on your regular low lands .
Mith can still be a reward, but spending it on spells won't help your cause. It's a nice idea and maybe one day we can do something like this, but by using the Lowlands now it enables us to be more flexible and adaptive to what the community wants. If we built a new lands for this it would 1) take a lot more time before you guys could get your hands on it and 2) it would mean that we would have to commit to things we don't want to commit to yet!
KaW_Admin I do have an idea/question Would you be able to make some sort of page or add-on available where your LL stats are calculated separately from your full build's stats. I.E. On its already designated page in the "Kingdom" tab? Perhaps each set of lands will have its own stat calculation as well, but obviously, LL would take priority as that's what players will be dealing with for the duration of these wars. I understand you are busy getting this new system up to specs, but I believe this implementation would greatly aid newer players and/or casual players and save the headaches of attempting to calculate how they want their LL set up for the wars.
To Kaw admin Because i suck at it It takes away individuals tracking their own targets pin time. It advertises to entire clan, even to those who may otherwise not be paying attention. Old days of fighting from pin if necessary more pleasing