Y'all should give us a war vault to put our coin in during war. When we have to bank coin before war it stunts growth. We all know it either war or grow, but not both. Put in a system that we can pick up our path to growth, where we left off before war. Right now I don't want to war, because I'm trying to save up for my next land. Thanks
The prob with these will be inactives. Bfe/bfa turned off and everybody having similar builds literally every kaw account ever created can and will cast for these stupid wars. Its going to be a mess.
I am setting up clan for War 1 , if any One wants to Jump Aboard... Welcome just be active and lets have some old Fun
Tbh if you have a decent clan to get into it should be fine. Inactive and nooby players will generally be clumped together. Also why no support for war vault?
Why would you support a war vault? Players have been forced for 4 years to bank in bb thats not changing for these stupid noob wars
If you are at ee5 there is literally no reason to do these wars other than you are bored and have nothing better to do with your life. No mith payout shows the devs are lazy they could have put that in...and real lowland war account that doesnt have mith is just going to be inactive anyways no reason to screw everybody else by disabling mith and mith payouts. The more i think about it these wars are going to be a joke.
The devs stated there will be mith in the future. Yes for the beta there is no real short term gain but long term you make sure these wars actually work. Think of it as an investment.
Because your ee will not go down if you lose. You literally have nothing to lose except the cost of banking gold if you do the ll wars but your ee will reset or go up if you win...
Kaw admin could you please tell us once and for all what towers place in these wars will actually be? Many are completely changing their entire lowlands for this test so any clarification you give would be fantastic.
Need 10 moré, oh and my Ee5 goes with me even to The bathroom were i have my Small fridge with beer.. In case i watch some sports like a King
The crying on this thread is real lol atleast give it a damn shot before u complain about what "could" happen