I don't understand why people are hating, it makes ee fair on a cs aspect. Everyone is literally on even terms cs wise. Isn't getting war mismatches the biggest complaint from everyone? Now it's impossible to have a war mismatch due to cs or lb/small stacking. This is it man, but yet people are still here complaining
Don't think people are complaining crying whining as you put it because its lowland wars think they are complaining because you don't get any rewards personally I will just do them anyway its free why not.
I've seen a few bigger player complaining because now there bc war builds aren't of much use. But same for me, there's nothing to lose, I get my xstal back if my team wins its free ee
Hate to say but I agree with wolverine Devs already had a fair war system in place they just failed to fix the matching algorithm leading to huge cs mismatches. We will still be faced with clans finding exploits in these wars as well.
small/big bug: Once WoC is casted your build becomes ll stats. I can -easily- steal from 10m sdt with less than 1% spies left on my side.
If all goes well, the your session will be expired ~30 minutes before the war starts. Once you reset the app, it will appear as though you and the matched up clan ONLY have LL buildings. Respect. Yes, build mechanics will only take into consideration LL buildings. If you have PS LL and Attack in HL, HF, and TA, you will be a PS.
Re Footch question He wasn't asking about HIS build. He was asking mechanics for player Vs Player during war