Lovely's Letters: Poetry

Discussion in 'Activities' started by -LovelyDenial, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. My serial killer poem!
    (I'm not crazy. This was an assignment I wrote for a poetry class a few years back.)

    She sits and watches them play catch all day.
    It must be real exhausting being her.
    Her sleeping pattern is not that okay.
    She’d like an escape from this world, I’m sure.

    I sneak through the backdoor later that night.
    Up the stairs and down the hall; then turn left.
    I tell her everything will be alright.
    I am not here for anything like theft.

    I kill her husband quickly with a knife,
    Before I turn to the girl of my dreams.
    What I would not give to make her my wife
    This is not as easy as it may seem.

    I put a rag over her mouth and nose,
    Before I give her mercy and a rose.
  2. My nature poem!
    (Again. For class)

    She walks through the forest of industry, thinking how smart we must be.
    Tear down the trees and make some cash, build some factories.

    Concrete where dirt once was, the wood looking worse than the rust.
    Trees cut down so certificates and old furniture can collect dust.

    Facetime replacing walks in the park and videos
    So we can watch a dog’s funny bark.

    Up in the sky, you see the stars.
    You look and wonder how many there are.
    You look at them and they look back,
    Countless eyes, face of black.

    Blackened from our mistake
    Our selfish needs and
    Our silly hate.

    She walks until she finds green grass.
    It’s pretty, but it will never last.
  3. The scars of love.

    I know that I am alive
    By the scars of love that I bear.
    Scars kept within my heart
    On a dusty shelf of past despair.
    So I remember every scar,
    Of the lessons I am aware.
    Love will never come cheap,
    And life does not play fair.
    Forever wishing past mistakes,
    I could go back and repair.
    To hold you close one more time,
    And tell you I still care.
    With the scars of love
    upon my heart.
    There is only one thing left for me to do.
    I will sit here alone,
    beside your empty throne,
    and forever dream of you.
    -LovelyDenial likes this.
  4. I’m not ready yet to post some of my newer poems. But since I posted this, I have published a very cringe poetry book. So I can officially say I’m a published poet. ❤️
    Jurzazellelia and Snoopy like this.
  5. That is fantastic lovely!! Please share with us!!!
  6. Idk about all that lol. The book is mostly poems I wrote in middle/high school. A few from this thread are in it.
    And the print company completely ignored my fonts, formatting, line spacing and just, did whatever the heck they wanted to. 😅😅😅
  7. Can confirm the book is cringe.... but it was worth every penny 🌚🥰