Lovely's Letters: Poetry

Discussion in 'Activities' started by -LovelyDenial, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. I just found a poem I wrote a decade ago, tho it feels like much longer. Here it is:

    When the pain fades away,
    and the darkness turns to black,
    I'll find a way to save you,
    from all the palace secrets.
    And no matter what happens,
    I will always remember.
    Remember how long you'll love me.
    Forever and ever.

    But then I hurt you,
    and your soul disappeared,
    and I was so lonely,
    so scared, full of fear.
    And the fear turns to tears,
    when I remember.
    Remember how long you'll hurt.
    Forever and ever.

    I stole your heart back,
    all of the pieces.
    And i told myself, this time will be different.
    But I hurt you again,
    And now i will always remember.
    Remember the pain, the tear-filled nights,
    hoping you would walk back into my life.
    I'll remember the lonely days,
    and the singled-sided fights.
    But most of all,
    I will remember.
    Remember how long you'll hate me.
    Forever. And ever.

    Just a reminder: I have been workshopping your poems, but please don’t hesitate to workshop mine. This is a forum, your opinion matters too. I’m not the queen of poems, my word is not law.
    Gerrald_The_Poet and Thrawn like this.
  2. This is called

    Bonnie and Clyde

    I need you baby,
    right by my side.
    You are my Bonnie,
    i am your Clyde
    Our love so true, its never lied.
    Its you and me forever,
    together we ride.
    As we flirt with the Devil
    on loves dark side.

    So follow me baby,
    ill be your guide.
    As we court with the Devil,
    on loves dark side.
    Intoxicating passion,
    that cant be denied.
    Two bodies burning,
    with nothing to hide.
    We're not Romeo and Juliet,
    Baby, we're Bonnie and Clyde.

    So let us now dance with the devil,
    Wild and free.
    Our love on display,
    for the world to see.
    Lets us take this trip together,
    Through loves depths and complexities.
    Is this Fate? Or Manifest Destiny?
    Regardless, its an unrivaled love,
    That strikes chordes of untold jealousy.
    For the man that i am
    when i am with you
    Is all that i wish to be.
    Will we ride or die together until the end?
    Yes baby, it will forever be just you and me.
    #22 Gerrald_The_Poet, Sep 18, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
    Adi4Rules and Thrawn like this.
  3. Bump
    Where are all of our Kawmunity writers and artists?????
  4. Great one. It’s called “ intimacy of dark “
  5. That girl that you love to death but yall are just toxic together. Shes a evil mess but you cant stop loving her no matter what.

    This one is called:

    A Villainess

    A villainess once stole my heart.
    T'was marvelous! Where do i start?

    Shes in love with her self,
    She likes the dark.
    On her milk white neck,
    The devils mark.
    I called her evil,
    She just laughed.
    A dark seductress,
    From ages past.

    I see her in my dreams,
    Dimly on a starlit night.
    Back turned to the world,
    Away from its light.
    I cant run and hide,
    From these feelings inside.
    The black of her soul infecting mine.
    Shes a drug,im addicted,our souls intertwine.
    A Villainess,my queen,shes one of a kind.
    Will loving her like this always feel so divine?
    If so,keep me enchanted and spellbound
    Until the end of time.
    #25 Gerrald_The_Poet, Oct 10, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2022
  6. Bump! In honor of the Valentine’s Day contest, here is a reminder that this ‘guide’ exists
  7. To my angel In the sky, may you rest in peace and fly high.
    I think about you every second of my day. The loss and sadness tore my heart away.
    It's broken, but that's because it's not fair, the pain is bearable even though in body you are no longer there.
    Out of site will never mean out of mind I love you Emma you where amazing and simply one of a kind.
    I will look for you above every moment that I can, why you was taken from us I'll never understand.
    I Guess God had other Plans.
  8. I'm sorry for your loss. I find writing poetry or songs has always helped ease the grief a little, I hope the same works for you.
  9. forgive me Lord for my sins are great
    my soul cries out from there crushing weight
    so many things I've done i know you hate
    is my soul lost? am i too late?
    i beg you Lord to clean my slate
    and save my soul from a sinners fate

    redemption i seek so i look to you
    with an open heart i pray anew
    for the things I've done i can't undue
    I've changed my ways, Lord you know it's true
    what more am i supposed to do?
    are my prayers heard or are they to few?
    forgive me Lord for ever doubting you.

    so guide me Lord I'll take your hand
    lead me to your promised land
    am i worthy? you say that i am
    Please show me the path
    to make me a better man
    Lord save my soul for i know you can.
    Dave likes this.
  10. Beautifully written, Gerrald.

    I’m not a huge fan of the lower case i’s, but I'm also not sure if it was purposely done or just this forum doesn’t auto change the capitalizations.
    There’s also a few places I would add an additional comma, or change the wording but those are also all personal preferences and it is your piece, not mine

    but the poem is lovely. I think my favorite part is: I've changed my ways, Lord you know it's true

    I think I’m particularly fond of this line because it’s a small twist on the common “Lord knows it’s true”, because in this poem, you are talking to the Lord so it flows really nicely.
  11. I am not the best at proper punctuation when typing. No the lower case is not intentional I just wanted to get it typed and posted cause sometimes I accidently click stuff like 3/4 ways thru and lose the whole thing and get mad.
  12. Here I sit broken hearted tried to poop but only farted. Then one day I took a chance and tried to fart but pooped my pants.
  13. This is called:

    Out of sight-out of mind

    Out of sight-out of mind
    A truth that gets forgotten,
    All to easily.
    So I never thought,
    That this could ever be.
    Now I'm gone and life goes on,
    How long will you remember me?

    Out of sight-out of mind
    I sit alone, yet not quite lonely
    How could I be?
    I've far too many demons,
    As willing company.
    Like old familiar friends,
    They know just what to say.
    Even all the sunlight,
    Of the brightest summer day,
    Would never be enough,
    To drive them all away.

    Out of sight-out of mind
    A feeling too familiar,
    To those who been in chains.
    Most will never understand,
    So I write this to explain.
    Certain feelings in my heart,
    Forever will remain.
    And that anything left between us,
    Will never be the same
    HattoriHanzo likes this.
  14. What is that; enemy? ~Adam Kai Dunn

    A man stricken with languorous freedoms;
    A white room where time tells no lies;
    A prison bench where only the birds find folly at their own footsteps;
    Cantankerous machines that rise and fall into prometheus and decay.
    Great wonders where one feels only more lonely when glimpsing the treasured hearts,
    Swept close and far and never inbetween.
    Savage are our sorrows.
    Savage are our morrows.
    Savage are our reliefs.
    Time moves to the ebb and flow of a chaotic war drum.
    Times moves to no man's quandry or escovalensense.
    Time stands still for the maker of the waiting game never played and only acknowledged by fools and poets.
    #34 HattoriHanzo, Mar 18, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2022
  15. Who are you? Who am I? ~Adam Kai Dunn

    In times of plenty
    I grow fat, dumb and old.
    In times of hardship
    I find my faults sold.
    I sold, for peace,
    my heart and soul.
    I traded for war
    my silver and gold.
    Peace stole, to turn grey,
    my mind and my youth.
    War declared their's,
    the black & white truth.
    Still, I love and I hate,
    while I win, draw and lose.
    Still, I'm impatient,
    to broaden my views.
    But when I gain knowledge,
    the unknown is set loose
    To dawn without feeling,
    to play a fool's ruse,
    On those always patient,
    to those with no fuse.
    Suns rise and nights fall
    in my ocean eye blues.

    What limits a world
    both free and unbound?
    Where one can be two,
    both silence and sound?

    Blinded lives without fact,
    percieved lives of no faith;
    All shake hands in friendship,
    no fear for death's wraith;
    With & without time,
    they grasp a new day,
    Without & with light,
    dark and dark chased away.
    I'd give you peace then,
    and you'd give me my war,
    And content we'd all be,
    with less and with more.
    With sound, with silence,
    with chaos, with law.

    We are and aren't infinite;
    Perfect and imperfect, within a flaw.
  16. poetry does not neccessarily require a formal system maintaining accurate punctuation, it is much more free form then many would believe to be the case. 👍
  17. 1900 Days

    1900 day since last considered equal
    insecure and unsure,
    how am I to deal with people?
    sifting thru the ashes
    of a past full of hurt and lies,
    I find the hidden heart of what this truly means.
    I am not defined by my past
    and it sure can't steal my dreams.

    I awake to a gift of newfound clarity.
    there is redemption for the broken
    and all that I long to be.
    I now sit on the shores
    of a vast ocean filled by feelings.
    awash within it's tides I finally realize
    that these are waves of restoration.
    and when they crash on the shores
    of a lonely broken soul
    it is the start of a truly healing transformation.
  18. Still alive and my soul cries out tonight
    a million stars above me shining oh so bright.
    looking for the end, but seeing no end in sight.
    I hold on to your memory and squeeze it tight,
    I can't let go, and I know that's not right.
    I should just quit and give up the fight,
    slip into the darkness and away from the light.

    Still alive and tonight my soul screams,
    played relentlessly by nightmares and dreams.
    vision after vision, scene after scene,
    I have the slate in my hand but can't wipe it clean.
    all I know for sure is nothing is as it seems
    my pain leaks out as two crystal clear streams,
    that shatter on the ground and reflect moonbeams.

    Still alive and tonight my shoulder breaks
    endlessly longing for a hand I can't take.
    afflicted with pain from a past I can't shake.
    willing to change, but what change should I make?
    feeling trapped in this place like I'm tied to a stake.
    over and over punished, for each and every single mistake
    Alive.????Yes I'm alive.,.ide trade it all in a heartbeat
    But only for there sake.

    R.I.P Austin, R.I.P. Alesha,R.I.P. Mike, R.I.P. Phil
  19. I keep reading and forgetting to give notes, or being busy and forgetting to go back when I have a free moment. But I really do enjoy reading the poems posted to this this.
    Whether original or just posting your favorites, I love to read them. ❤️
  20. If my pen were a pistol,
    I would be Killin this page.
    Loaded with clips of ink,
    I pull the trigger and engage.
    I empty clips of ink,
    By letting emotions rage.

    If my pen were a pistol,
    I would be on a killing spree.
    The very first victim,
    Is the man I used to be.
    Firing clips of ink,
    I set a new man free
    Page after page,
    the victims fall.
    A death by poetry.

    If my pen were a pistol,
    I'll pull the trigger,
    until the bullets in my pen go dry.
    Aiming at every issue,
    that makes me laugh or cry.
    Shooting with no intention,
    of protecting the position I am in.
    Firing poems of prayer,
    to kill the evil that's within.
    I unload these clips of ink
    Seeking redemption for all my sin.
    #40 Gerrald_The_Poet, Apr 16, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2022