LOTR Part 2

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Eagle, Feb 28, 2013.

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  1. Part 2 is the hobbit right?
  2. No. The Hobbit is the prequel to Lord of the Rings. Part two of the LOTR trilogy is The Two Towers.
  3. No, Im pretty sure lotr came out before the hobbit
  4. Gimli because his angef makes up for his size and he takes his anger out on orcs!
  5. Uh maybe...
  6. Lol bring this alive!
  7. *Aragorn is correct, clearly we have some people on here that have no idea what they are talking about. Here's a lesson for you, If you're going to try and correct people at least read the book first :laugh:
  8. Gimme a break internet trolls, I'm still a forum noob :lol:
  9. I thing legolas even if the elephant only counts as one
  10. The oliphant counts as one, but there were also 8-10 haradrim riding on each oliphant.
  11. Legolas WinsHands Down
  12. Legolas is beast
  13. Spelled it wrong jeez . I was thinking eragon from inheritance is how I spelled it rofl
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