LOTR Part 2

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Eagle, Feb 28, 2013.

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  1. Who do you think for more kills In LOTR?

    1) Eragon
    2) Legolas
    3) Gimli

    And Why?
  2. I think Legolas , because in KOTR he was mowing them down.
  3. I think voldemort killed more...;)

  4. stay on subject noob!

  5. How are you going to call him a noob when he's bigger
  6. Wheres part 1? 
  7. Correction for ash: forum noob* :D
  8. Who is Eragon?! That's a different book...
    It's Aragorn!!! You haven't even read the books, clearly.

    But yeah probably Legolas.
  9. Lol@Eragon. The movie was sosososo very bad. Anyways, I'd say Legolas. Dem arrows going pew pew pew.
  10. Ummm first of all, I'm a she...and isn't voldemort in LOTR?
  11. voldemort = harry potter!

  12. Are you sure its a she? Im not convinced........and i havent a clue who kills more
  13. Obliviously never seen a  before...
  14. What's a strawberry cat?
  15. A secret...:0
  16. Oh, a fruity cat. Silly me. Or is that slang for something else? 
  17. Yep! A fruity cat!
  18. Hmmmm what was topic again?
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