Loss of one of the Aqua/Inferno event bonuses

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by DuchessYuna, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Mine shows that I have the plunder bonus but my plunder per hit is not reflecting that
  2. If I remember correctly there was an issue with collecting both plunder spells to begin with, which means when the issue was fixed, your plunder spells had different timers running, so one of them would've run out before the other.
  3. It was a 4 hour difference, so this statement is incorrect..
  4. I do not really pay attention to the time of the spells, but aren't they usually 7 days long? And the event ended more than 7 days ago, so the actual 'issue' is that one spell basically lasts two weeks, instead of one. (the inferno 5% spell in my case). Am i right?