LoS-achild17 gone to far in trash talk

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Twicc, Apr 17, 2014.

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  1. Anachry didn't you ask your clan ask NA for a cf like to weeks ago? Shush
  2. Since everyone is making an issue of it, godsofanarchy, fix your grammar and spelling.
    "Learn English." As was previously said in the thread.

    No but in all seriousness I agree with Twicc, achild shouldn't be using children as an insult.
  3. Why would he put twicc's kid and liking boys in the same sentence?
  4. You boys and your affinity to your master! Poor kids!
  5. Could say the same to you and balls
  6. Sorry. Balle*
    I apologize
  7. Maybe he's 10years old and doesn't understand how to form sentences correctly?
  8. Haha I liked that one. I'm positive my sentence structure was correct, I feel like I have a good grasp on the English language. But who knows? You might be right
  9. I asked for a cf ..rotflmao from what playing pop a mole on the head over at new age when y'all not pinned in ur eb ..
  10. Did I say you? I said your clan, learn to read noob
  11. Shaun I love how you misquoted me dissecting what I said. That's what your daddy taught you right?
  12. Did I misquote you? Tell me where I miss quoted you
  13. Shaun - punctuation does matter. You missed question mark. It is not stating Twicc has kids, it is asking if he has any. That has already been explained. You still do not get. Do not take tests posted on my wall. You would be failing them along with Twicc.
  14. I havnt missed any punctuation para, have a look
  15. No it's implying that he is shocked that he has kids
  16. Meaning that he thinks twicc is a peado that's why he is shocked he has kids
  17. Inc Shaun x11 ass
  18. If twicc tells his followers that what it says they don't question him put on there blinders an say yes sir ...
  19. So you finally came to terms that your clan asked for a cf?
  20. Shaun ...wake up an quit dreaming...
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