Looks like the Devs are giving away free mith again.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Drunken carebear -> I've had similar poor customer service from ata. Since then I haven't spent much money on this game.

    I think that there are 2 saving graces for this game: 1) is the social aspect. And 2) is OSW. The rest isn't much fun. At least much fun for me. ️
  2. Im so very upset... We were so hoping for a matchup ... I banked alllll my gold... made sure I had enough defence pots to last the war and was picking which spells I was gonna use... oh we were so up for it.... and then came that all denying message which broke our hearts... no match found ...oh we were so torn apart... nobody even wanted to hit that damn TVP epic 
  3. Lmao so much sarcasm 
  4. See op Romeo is sad now do you feel better 
  5. Romeo, you made my day
  6. Surprise surprise no comment from devs
  7. I dont see how ps are an issue, if not used in combo with lb only.

    Sh/gh is fixed easily. Exclude bfa to hit range and count it into match as bfe is. Also increase the plunder when attacking sh.

    Lb stack is fixed less easy. Maybe require the lowest cr warring to be able to hit highesr cr warring?


    This has been posted by various people on various threads. I have sent it to the devs. Yet theres been no response or the 'post it in the forums to get a better response'-response.

    I dont think Im asking for much, but could you read our feedback with a little more care? You did a great job with introducing KC!
  8. They're all of the same clan family, they probably wanted to actually war together. If they get repeat no matches they're clearly doing it but they're probs all friends trying to actually get a match.
  9. Simple solution - devs develop ee clans only.
    1.to sign up for ee you leave clan
    2.devs stack ppl according to bfa, bfe, stats into teams
    3.teams get assigned specially created ee clans and join them
    4. Ee starts

    No more mismatch, no more tears...just the best warriors work randomly together to win. Basically a tournament of skills and will. No more crap stacking, complaining or system cheating. Play or BE played if you like EE.
  10. Max and min cs Tiers.
    Lb wars lb
    Mids war mids
    Smalls war smalls
    Allow a bit of overlap
    Devs just need to put proper controls in place.
    Dont see the difficulties here to make war enjoyable again.
  11. I do agree that clans are exploiting to their own gains. I also see how the devs are being blasted for this. Out of all honesty, I think the devs are trying. What is not being said is that it is the clans and people who build rosters that are the problem. If clans all put in balanced builds then it would be fair. Hansels and mids can war again. The fact is that the kaw community is the problem. No fix will ever work. Just my thoughts
  12. It alwasy amazes me when people say Season 1 had no roster stacking. How quickly we forget our history. Back then, the wars were 4 hours and there was no clan size limitation. Some clans figured out early on that if they stacked their roster with powerful players and Guild Hansels they could outmatch their opponents. At that time, the devs had not introduced a set roster size and solely considered the COLLECTIVE size of the two rosters, not the number of players.

    Case in point, look at the war history for the clan White-Knights-Kingdom. Go to the GHC Syndicate war (about 5 or 6 wars down) and look at the roster sizes for the respective clans. Yes, you saw that right, 28 players versus 60 players. GHC stacked the clan with GHs which paid crap and powerful players (at that time the HF had not been released yet, so a 14MCS player was a big player).

    Needless to say, the 28 player side was crushed. They had a handful of KO's in a 4 hour war (and that was only because some of us xtalled because we wanted to at least get a few KOs). When this fiasco became known, the Devs instituted the 26-29 member roster to try and combat such a lopsided matchup.

    In any event, it amuses me to see people waxing rhapsodic about how Season 1 was "pure" or free from roster stacking. There will always be clans looking for an edge--be it build type, roster makeup, BFA, BFE, or something we have not considered yet. Adapt or die.


  13. Devs made a statement in season 1 stating that if they feel a clan is abusing TVP, they will take away all mith earned and possibly more.
  14. Kage, to my memory, 4hrs wars and no clan limitations ended before season one.

    During season 1, there were 2hr wars with roster limitations like 27-33 with woc casted.
  15. Jac,

    You are probably correct. Perhaps that was the test wars just prior to Season 1 -- In my defense, I'm old, memory fades, that sort of thing. :)

    But if so, then that means that people were figuring out roster stacking EVEN BEFORE season 1 started. So my underlying point--that looking for any advantage by upgrading after matchups (now barred), re-equipping after matchups (also now barred), rosterstacking, buying allies after matchup, etc. has been going on since the beginning.

    Cheers, Jac for correcting my memory.

  16. Ahh Yes I remember that GHC war  The system was so much easier to exploit back then.
  17. I was wondering where you went, Phil. Good to see you.

    Not saying that I agree with you, but I understand your point. If someone really wants mith, warring is honestly the easiest way. The RP EB is good for people who don't get a match.

    I once had to replenish my spells, and I joined a clan that was aiming for a no match (I admit, sorry devs...), and while watching CC, I saw someone say "Nice! I just got the sword!" Then someone else responded to him "Good Choice! :D".
    I looked at the person's profile, and he had... One Red Paladin Sword level 0.

    It probably took him what... 2 weeks to get that? That's annoying to do...
  18. Damn don't tell me I missed another stacked roster  can ppl plz tell me next time I want some free mith too 