Looks like the Devs are giving away free mith again.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Well, technically it's the community's fault. If we never wanted to gain the system then roaster stacking wouldn't be a thing.

    That said, the devs reaction to this has been to do nothing at all which is what they shouldn't be doing, as it is, you gotta be an sh or have several million cs in towers if you wanna war.

    The devs need to figure out a way to make it fairer for all builds because as it is, the war system isn't something you can jump into with no experience. It's not friendly for casuals at all which is why hardly anyone takes part, worse match ups etc.

    I'm gonna stop now since I'll end up ranting if I haven't already.
  2. Well what do you expect do you actually want them to match you in war against these players like redstar (and friends) ? that wouldn't be much of a war would it, it would be a slaughter. And they would get even more mith  Perhaps it should inspire you to build a kingdom that will match them instead of crying about it.
  3. @Optimus

    Lol "inspire us to build a build like them" what dreamworlds planet do you live on?

    We at phalanx also had no match. The devs shoulda put us together, I always wanted cella to spank me hard
  4. @frog I actually don't know what planet I'm on 99% of the time the other 1% I'm sleeping. But I think ppl should be happy they get to war, because many of us don't even get to war we just sit and collect dust. I just don't understand how it effects op because a clan got a no match ? Sh are to blame for a lot of no match too shall we also ask the devs to ban sh?
  5. @ Phil

    I think you're assuming they don't want to war, and I'm curious as to why it's ok to game the system by using smaller gh/sh builds but not ok to game it by using your lb advantage? Because we have the option to change our builds? Doesn't everyone also have the option to spend the bucks required to make the leader board?

    Yes, I know, we don't all have the money. Life isn't fair. It's not fair for people to have to drop a build they've worked on for years to compete effectively in EE either. Don't hate the players. Hate the game. The Devs created this mess. I can't blame anyone for trying to get whatever advantage they can from it.
  6. LBs should make the same amount hitting me as I make hitting SHs and if a SH has the BFE of a 10M stat player I should make the same amount hitting each of them.
  7. I think strategy is right. Payout should be based on build size BFE bfa.

    Also: prior to season 3 Polaris had a nice post on using build ratio to match clans. Seems like that would be a good way to ensure that LB Sh/GH gets matched against a similar clan, and that clans with mids get matched against clans with similar builds.
  8. There were originally plus signs between build size and BFE and bfa in the message above. I had forgotten that they can't be used in these forums.
  9. mmmm....

    Considering the fact that many leaderboard players do war I guess that particular stacking was either to match another largely stacked clan or to extend EE. As for myth, are you seriously implying that Cella, Laoda et co. need 10 myth? I don't buy it.
  10. Yes what an issue this is. In the last few weeks the ammount of players simply giving up is becoming a majority. I hear your LB stacking argument want to win blah blah big players pay the servers blah blah, but what about they rest of us that used to spend 500 bucks a month? By no means do we come in that top tier of spenders but the loss of support from mid tier spenders will decrease the LB compition to spend. I know marketing mechanics are forigen to the dev, but given FC is shutting down at least someone in the company is starting to hide away pennies for 2015 when kaw gets its final update and fades off the app store.

    Now off to do other things as kaw has become "chasing the dragon", you can't catch it guys. Just move on.
  11. Well, those accounts no longer have the ability to purchase mith, so, yes, they might want to get it any way they can.

    Ps -> I don't really have a problem with them stacking the way that they did. Not much difference in redstar warring with an account too big for anyone to hit or with an alt too small for anyone (at least, anyone that EE's) to hit.
  12. Support.

    IMO ee wars are screwed and always will be. Season 1 was the best. There will always be flaws, no matches, and unfair exploits. My suggestion is to just get rid of ee wars all together. You either Eb or pvp and that's it.

  13. The proper solution to this is to not offer the Mith eb to those clans that receive no war match.
  14. Support.

    It doesnt matter how much we try to speak up. ATA lets lb do whatever the **** they want tbh. Sure they got "rid" of GH. Oh wait. They just became SH. Clans stacking LB. They don't do anything about it. Also they said they were working on the PVP system. No news yet. As for the PS. Well I can't say much about it besides them being ko machines if you are slow.
  15. Drunken carebear -> that's right. The average player isn't ever going to be a leaderboard player. Unless they buy a leaderboard account of course. The average player probably isn't ever even going to be build complete.

    When I did the math after t5 buildings came out I was disheartened but determined to be build complete. Now I don't care because I will never get there. As soon as I get close t7 buildings will be released. Or a new set of lands.

    I think the devs decided to cater to the biggest spenders in KAW and not to the majority of the player base. Game is shrinking now because of that.
  16. Season 1 there was no stacking, no one would let lb war.

    Only way i see to get around it is to base it on a point system per action instead of plunder, tgat way we can still use the range of builds, lb would still get to war, hansels would get included again,

    There will still be a combination of builds that will give you a better shot.

    Its a strategy game and the smart work out the strategy to get advantage.

    Those that are not smart, cry to the devs to fix it so they dont have to think about it

    Its a WAR game, in real wars you dont have equal sides, but some figure out how to give the all powerful a pain to fight them in real life, the game is no different.

    As with real life, those with the most money sit at the top, if you dont have the money you make sacrifices to be as effective as you can.
  17. @RVD, I used to be an bi-hourly player on 3 devices. Spent 100 bucks a week just on xtals and my top LB placement ever was 2,100ish. I recently dropped my phone for the 1,000th time and its now locked until Dev decide I can have it back. Since they decided that my spending wasn't worth any REAL support (I got the standard insert text reply ATA loves soooo much) I cut funds and hardly log in anymore.

    I was in OSW all threw the first 3 seasons, converted main build for EE right when spies became useless and everyone converted to SH/Stacked LB. Thus rendering my time spent pointless.

    EQ ruined this game. It complelty killed PvP, ebs were around for a while but real wars and osw were a focal point still. Once they introduced EQ to the game it became a mad dash for the best EQ. But guess what? You can never get there. Drops are elusive EQ fails all day and you have to LB or have a garbage SH build to get with EQ witch doesn't even get better with season. Hunts produce useless EQ, all in the name of what? With PvP being a 2010 kaw players game I fail to see what is left to strive for in kaw.